Table of Contents
- ACMEAccountKey
- Defines a Model for interacting with ACME account keys.
- ACMEAccountKeyRegister
- Defines a Model used to register a given ACME account key with the ACME package.
- ACMECertificate
- Defines a Model for interacting with ACME certificate configurations.
- ACMECertificateAction
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- ACMECertificateDomain
- Defines a Model for interacting with ACME certificate configurations.
- ACMECertificateIssue
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- ACMECertificateRenew
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- ACMESettings
- Defines a Model for interacting with the ACME general settings
- ARPTable
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's ARP table.
- AuthServer
- Defines a Model for interacting with remote authentication servers.
- AvailableInterface
- Defines a Model for interfaces that are available to be assigned on this system.
- AvailablePackage
- Defines a Model for packages that are available to install on this system.
- BINDAccessList
- Defines a model that interacts with BIND access lists.
- BINDAccessListEntry
- Defines a model that interacts with BIND access list entries.
- BINDSettings
- Defines a model that interacts the general BIND settings.
- BINDSyncRemoteHost
- Defines a model for interacting with the BIND sync remote servers (peers)
- BINDSyncSettings
- Defines a model for interacting with the BIND sync settings.
- BINDView
- Defines a model that interacts with BIND views.
- BINDZone
- Defines a model that interacts with BIND zones.
- BINDZoneRecord
- Defines a model that interacts with BIND zone records.
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's CARP settings.
- Certificate
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's certificates.
- CertificateAuthority
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's certificate authorities.
- CertificateAuthorityGenerate
- Defines a Model for generating internal and intermediate certificate authorities.
- CertificateAuthorityRenew
- Defines a Model for renewing an existing Certificate Authority.
- CertificateGenerate
- Defines a Model for generating new Certificates.
- CertificatePKCS12Export
- Defines a Model for handling the export of an existing Certificate as a PKCS12 file.
- CertificateRenew
- Defines a Model for renewing an existing Certificate.
- CertificateRevocationList
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's certificate revocation lists.
- CertificateRevocationListRevokedCertificate
- Defines a Model for interacting with certificates revoked by a certificate revocation list.
- CertificateSigningRequest
- Defines a Model for generating new CSRs.
- CertificateSigningRequestSign
- Defines a Model for signing existing CSRs.
- CommandPrompt
- Defines a Model object that can be used to run shell commands and retrieve the output and result code.
- ConfigHistoryRevision
- Defines a Model that interacts with the pfSense configuration history.
- CronJob
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's cron jobs.
- DefaultGateway
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's default gateways.
- Defines a Model for interacting with the DHCP log at /var/log/dhcpd.log.
- DHCPServer
- Defines a Model that interacts with the DHCP server for a given interface.
- DHCPServerAddressPool
- Defines a Model that configures additional address pools for a parent DHCPServer.
- DHCPServerApply
- Defines a Model for applying changes to the DHCP server configuration.
- DHCPServerBackend
- Defines a Model for assigning the backend DHCP server service.
- DHCPServerCustomOption
- Defines a model that configures custom DHCP options.
- DHCPServerLease
- Defines a model that represents a DHCP lease.
- DHCPServerStaticMapping
- Defines a Model that interacts with static DHCP mappings for the DHCP server.
- DNSForwarderApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending DNS Forwarder changes and allows DNS Forwarder changes
to be applied.
- DNSForwarderHostOverride
- Defines a Model that interacts with DNS Forwarder host overrides.
- DNSForwarderHostOverrideAlias
- Defines a Model that interacts with DNS Forwarder host override aliases.
- DNSResolverAccessList
- Defines a Model that interacts with access list entries for the DNS Resolver (Unbound) service.
- DNSResolverAccessListNetwork
- Defines a Model that interacts with access list network entries for the DNS Resolver (Unbound) service.
- DNSResolverApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending DNS Resolver changes and allows DNS Resolver routing changes
to be applied.
- DNSResolverDomainOverride
- Defines a Model that interacts with DNS Resolver domain overrides.
- DNSResolverHostOverride
- Defines a Model that interacts with DNS Resolver host overrides.
- DNSResolverHostOverrideAlias
- Defines a Model that interacts with DNS Resolver host override aliases.
- DNSResolverSettings
- Defines a Model that interacts with the DNS Resolver settings.
- EmailNotificationSettings
- Defines a model that interacts with email notification settings.
- FirewallAdvancedSettings
- Defines a Model for interacting with the advanced firewall settings.
- FirewallAlias
- Defines a Model that interacts with firewall aliases.
- FirewallApply
- Defiens a Model object that gathers details on pending firewall changes as well as tools to apply pending firewall changes.
- FirewallLog
- Defines a Model for interacting with the firewall log at /var/log/filter.log.
- FirewallRule
- Defines a Model that interacts with firewall rules.
- FirewallSchedule
- Defines a Model that interacts with firewall schedules.
- FirewallScheduleTimeRange
- Defines a model that interacts with firewall schedule time ranges.
- FirewallState
- Defines a Model for interacting with the firewall states.
- FirewallStatesSize
- Defines a Model for interacting with the firewall states size.
- GraphQL
- Defines a model that accept GraphQL queries and mutations and executes them against the GraphQL schema.
- HAProxyApply
- Defines a Model for applying the HAProxy configuration.
- HAProxyBackend
- Defines a Model for interacting with HAProxy backends.
- HAProxyBackendACL
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Backend Access Control Lists.
- HAProxyBackendAction
- Defines a Model for interacting with HAProxy backend actions.
- HAProxyBackendErrorFile
- Defines a Model that interacts with HAProxy backend error files.
- HAProxyBackendServer
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Backend Servers.
- HAProxyDNSResolver
- Defines a Model for HAProxy DNS Resolvers.
- HAProxyEmailMailer
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Email Mailers.
- HAProxyFile
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Files.
- HAProxyFrontend
- Defines a Model that interacts with HAProxy frontends.
- HAProxyFrontendACL
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Frontend Access Control Lists.
- HAProxyFrontendAction
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Frontend Actions.
- HAProxyFrontendAddress
- Defines a Model for HAProxy Frontend Addresses.
- HAProxyFrontendErrorFile
- Defines a Model that interacts with HAProxy frontend error files.
- HAProxySettings
- Defines a Model that interacts with HAProxy settings.
- InterfaceApply
- Defines a Model object that gathers details on pending interface changes as well as tools to apply pending interface changes.
- InterfaceBridge
- Defines a Model for interacting with Interface Bridges.
- InterfaceGRE
- Defines a Model for interacting with Interface GRE Tunnels.
- InterfaceGroup
- Defines a Model for interacting with Interface Groups.
- InterfaceLAGG
- A Model class for interacting with LAGG interfaces.
- InterfaceStats
- Defines a Model that represents interface statistics and detailed interface information.
- InterfaceVLAN
- Defines a Model for interacting with VLAN interfaces.
- IPsecApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending IPsec changes and allows IPsec changes
to be applied.
- IPsecChildSAStatus
- A Model that provides the status of IPsec child SAs.
- IPsecPhase1
- Defines a Model for interacting with IPsec Phase 1 entries.
- IPsecPhase1Encryption
- Defines a Model that represents IPsec Phase 1 Encryption settings.
- IPsecPhase2
- Defines a Model that represents IPsec Phase 2 settings.
- IPsecPhase2Encryption
- Defines a Model that represents IPsec Phase 2 Encryption settings.
- IPsecSAStatus
- A Model that provides the status of IPsec tunnels.
- LogSettings
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- NetworkInterface
- Defines a Model that interacts with network interfaces. Note: PHP does not allow us to name a
class `Interface` so we must use `NetworkInterface` even though this isn't inconsistent.
- NTPSettings
- Defines a Model for interacting with NTP server settings.
- NTPTimeServer
- Defines a Model for interacting with NTP time server settings.
- OneToOneNATMapping
- Defines a Model that represents 1:1 NAT mappings.
- OpenVPNClient
- Defines a Model that represents OpenVPN clients.
- OpenVPNClientSpecificOverride
- Defines a Model that represents OpenVPN Client Specific Overrides.
- OpenVPNClientStatus
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- OpenVPNServer
- Defines a Model that represents OpenVPN server settings.
- OpenVPNServerConnectionStatus
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- OpenVPNServerRouteStatus
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- OpenVPNServerStatus
- Defines a Model object that relates to a pfSense configuration or service. This model defines the necessary steps
to validate incoming configuration and create, read, update, and/or delete data from the pfSense configuration this
object relates to.
- OutboundNATMapping
- Defines a Model that represents outbound NAT mappings.
- OutboundNATMode
- Defines a Model that represents the outbound NAT mode.
- Package
- Defines a Model for packages that are currently installed on this system.
- PortForward
- Defines a Model that represents port forward rules.
- RESTAPIAccessListEntry
- Defines a model that interacts with the REST API access list entries.
- Defines a Model that represents a REST API JWT.
- Defines a Model that represents REST API keys.
- RESTAPISettings
- Defines a Model that represents the REST API settings.
- RESTAPISettingsSync
- Defines a Model that interacts with the REST API settings sync feature. This Model is not intended for public use.
- RESTAPIVersion
- Defines a Model that represents the REST API version installed on this system.
- RoutingApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending routing changes and allows pending routing changes to be applied.
- RoutingGateway
- Defines a Model for interacting with routing gateways in pfSense.
- RoutingGatewayGroup
- Defines a Model for interacting with a Gateway Group priority item.
- RoutingGatewayGroupPriority
- Defines a Model for interacting with a Gateway Group priority item.
- RoutingGatewayStatus
- Defines a Model that represents the status of gateways on this system.
- Service
- Defines a Model that represents the status of services on this system.
- ServiceWatchdog
- Defines a Model that represents the Service Watchdog configuration on this system.
- Defines a Model that represents the SSH server configuration on this system.
- StaticRoute
- Defines a Model that interacts with static routes on this system.
- SystemConsole
- Defines a Model that represents the console configuration on this system.
- SystemDNS
- Defines a Model that represents the DNS configuration on this system.
- SystemHalt
- Defines a Model that performs a system halt operation.
- SystemHostname
- Defines a Model that represents the system's current hostname.
- SystemLog
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system log at /var/log/system.log.
- SystemReboot
- Defines a Model that performs a system reboot operation.
- SystemStatus
- Defines a Model that represents the system's current status.
- SystemTunable
- Defines a Model that represents a sysctl tunable on this system.
- SystemVersion
- Defines a Model that represents the pfSense version of the current system.
- Test
- Defines a Test model object that can be used for unit testing. This model does not define any real object in pfSense
and should only be used for testing purposes!
- TrafficShaper
- Defines a Model for interacting with the traffic shaper.
- TrafficShaperLimiter
- Defines a Model for interacting with the traffic shaper limiters.
- TrafficShaperLimiterBandwidth
- Defines a Model for interacting with the traffic shaper limiter bandwidth.
- TrafficShaperLimiterQueue
- Defines a Model for interacting with the traffic shaper limiter queues.
- TrafficShaperQueue
- Defines a Model for interacting with the traffic shaper queues.
- User
- Defines a Model for interacting with the local users on this system.
- UserGroup
- Defines a Model for interacting with the user groups on this system.
- VirtualIP
- Defines a Model for interacting with the virtual IPs on this system.
- VirtualIPApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending virtual IP changes and allows virtual IP changes
to be applied.
- WakeOnLANSend
- Defines a Model for sending wake-on-LAN packets to hosts on the network.
- WebGUISettings
- Defines a Model for interacting with the system's web GUI settings.
- WireGuardApply
- Defines a Model that provides details on pending WireGuard changes and allows DNS Resolver changes
to be applied.
- WireGuardPeer
- Defines a Model for interacting with the WireGuard peers on this system.
- WireGuardPeerAllowedIP
- Defines a Model for interacting with the WireGuard peer allowed IPs on this system.
- WireGuardSettings
- Defines a Model for interacting with the WireGuard settings on this system.
- WireGuardTunnel
- Defines a Model for interacting with the WireGuard tunnels on this system.
- WireGuardTunnelAddress
- Defines a Model for interacting with the WireGuard tunnel addresses on this system.
= '/usr/local/share/pfSense-pkg-RESTAPI/backup.json'
= -1
= 0
= 2
= 1
= 0
= '/usr/local/share/pfSense-pkg-RESTAPI/backup.json'
= -1
= 0
= 2
= 1
= 0