Table of Contents
- AuthJWTEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular RESTAPIJWT Model objects at /api/v2/auth/jwt.
- AuthKeyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular RESTAPIKey Model objects at /api/v2/auth/key.
- AuthKeysEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many RESTAPIKey Model objects at /api/v2/auth/key.
- DiagnosticsARPTableEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many ARPTable Model objects at /api/v2/diagnostics/arp_table.
- DiagnosticsARPTableEntryEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular ARPTable Model objects at /api/v2/diagnostics/arp_table/entry.
- DiagnosticsCommandPromptEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular CommandPrompt Model objects at /api/v2/diagnostics/command_prompt.
- DiagnosticsConfigHistoryRevisionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ConfigHistoryRevision Model at /api/v2/diagnostics/config_history/revision.
- DiagnosticsConfigHistoryRevisionsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many ConfigHistoryRevision Models at /api/v2/diagnostics/config_history/revisions.
- DiagnosticsHaltSystemEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular SystemHalt Model objects at /api/v2/diagnostics/halt_system.
- DiagnosticsRebootEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular SystemReboot Model objects at /api/v2/diagnostics/reboot.
- FirewallAdvancedSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular FirewallAdvancedSettings Model object at /api/v2/firewall/advanced_settings.
- FirewallAliasEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallAlias Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/aliases.
- FirewallAliasesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallAlias Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/aliases.
- FirewallApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular FirewallApply Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/apply.
- FirewallNATOneToOneMappingEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OneToOneNATMapping Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/one_to_one/mapping.
- FirewallNATOneToOneMappingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OneToOneNATMapping Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/one_to_one/mappings.
- FirewallNATOutboundMappingEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular OutboundNATMapping Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/outbound/mapping.
- FirewallNATOutboundMappingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OutboundNATMapping Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/outbound/mappings.
- FirewallNATOutboundModeEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the OutboundNATMode Model object at /api/v2/firewall/nat/outbound/mode.
- FirewallNATPortForwardEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular PortForward Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/port_forward.
- FirewallNATPortForwardsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many PortForward Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/nat/port_forwards.
- FirewallRuleEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular FirewallRule Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/rules.
- FirewallRulesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallRule Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/rules.
- FirewallScheduleEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular FirewallSchedule Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/schedule.
- FirewallSchedulesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallSchedule Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/schedules.
- FirewallScheduleTimeRangeEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular FirewallScheduleTimeRange Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/schedule/time_range.
- FirewallStateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular FirewallState Model object at /api/v2/firewall/state.
- FirewallStatesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallState Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/states.
- FirewallStatesSizeEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the FirewallStatesSize Model object at /api/v2/firewall/states/size.
- FirewallTrafficShaperEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular TrafficShaper Model object at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper.
- FirewallTrafficShaperLimiterBandwidthEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular TrafficShaperLimiterBandwidth Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper/limiter/bandwidth.
- FirewallTrafficShaperLimiterEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular TrafficShaperLimiter Model object at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper/limiter.
- FirewallTrafficShaperLimiterQueueEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular TrafficShaperLimiterQueue Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper/limiter/queue.
- FirewallTrafficShaperLimitersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many TrafficShaperLimiter Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper/limiters.
- FirewallTrafficShaperQueueEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular TrafficShaperQueue Model object at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shaper/queue.
- FirewallTrafficShapersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple TrafficShaper Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/traffic_shapers.
- FirewallVirtualIPApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the VirtualIPApply Model object at /api/v2/firewall/virtual_ip/apply.
- FirewallVirtualIPEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular VirtualIP Model object at /api/v2/firewall/virtual_ip.
- FirewallVirtualIPsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple VirtualIP Model objects at /api/v2/firewall/virtual_ips.
- GraphQLEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for the GraphQL API at /api/v2/graphql.
- InterfaceApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the InterfaceApply Model object at /api/v2/interface/apply.
- InterfaceAvailableInterfacesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many AvailableInterface Model objects at /api/v2/interface/available_interfaces
- InterfaceBridgeEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular InterfaceBridge Model object at /api/v2/interface/bridge.
- InterfaceBridgesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceBridge Model objects at /api/v2/interface/bridges.
- InterfaceGREEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular InterfaceGRE Model object at /api/v2/interface/gre.
- InterfaceGREsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceGRE Model objects at /api/v2/interface/gres.
- InterfaceGroupEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular InterfaceGroup Model object at /api/v2/interface/group.
- InterfaceGroupsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceGroup Model objects at /api/v2/interface/groups.
- InterfaceLAGGEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular InterfaceLAGG Model object at /api/v2/interface/lagg.
- InterfaceLAGGsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceLAGG Model objects at /api/v2/interface/laggs.
- InterfaceVLANEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular InterfaceVLAN Model object at /api/v2/interface/vlan.
- InterfaceVLANsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceVLAN Model objects at /api/v2/interface/vlans.
- NetworkInterfaceEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular NetworkInterface Model object at /api/v2/interface.
- NetworkInterfacesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple NetworkInterface Model objects at /api/v2/interfaces.
- RoutingApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the RoutingApply Model object at /api/v2/routing/apply.
- RoutingGatewayDefaultEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DefaultGateway Model object at /api/v2/routing/gateway/default.
- RoutingGatewayEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single RoutingGateway Model objects at /api/v2/routing/gateway.
- RoutingGatewayGroupEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single RoutingGatewayGroup Model object at /api/v2/routing/gateway/group.
- RoutingGatewayGroupPriorityEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single RoutingGatewayGroupPriority Model object at /api/v2/routing/gateway/group/priority.
- RoutingGatewayGroupsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple RoutingGatewayGroup Model objects at /api/v2/routing/gateway/groups.
- RoutingGatewaysEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple RoutingGateway Model objects at /api/v2/routing/gateways.
- RoutingStaticRouteEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single StaticRoute Model object at /api/v2/routing/static_routes.
- RoutingStaticRoutesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple StaticRoute Model objects at /api/v2/routing/static_routes.
- ServicesACMEAccountKeyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMEAccountKey Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/account_key.
- ServicesACMEAccountKeyRegisterEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the ACMEAccountKeyRegister Model at /api/v2/services/acme/account_key/register
- ServicesACMEAccountKeyRegistrationsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many ACMEAccountKeyRegister Models at /api/v2/services/acme/account_key/registrations
- ServicesACMEAccountKeysEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a many ACMEAccountKey Model objects at /api/v2/services/acme/account_keys.
- ServicesACMECertificateActionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMECertificateAction Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/action.
- ServicesACMECertificateDomainEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMECertificateDomain Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/domain.
- ServicesACMECertificateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMECertificate Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate.
- ServicesACMECertificateIssuancesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many ACMECertificateIssue Model objects at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/issuances.
- ServicesACMECertificateIssueEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMECertificateIssue Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/issue.
- ServicesACMECertificateRenewalsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many ACMECertificateRenew Model objects at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/renewals.
- ServicesACMECertificateRenewEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single ACMECertificateRenew Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/certificate/renew.
- ServicesACMECertificatesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a many ACMECertificate Model objects at /api/v2/services/acme/certificates.
- ServicesACMESettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular ACMESettings Model object at /api/v2/services/acme/settings.
- ServicesBINDAccessListEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDAccessList Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/access_list.
- ServicesBINDAccessListEntryEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDAccessListEntry Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/access_list/entry.
- ServicesBINDAccessListsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a multiple BINDAccessList Model objects at /api/v2/services/bind/access_lists.
- ServicesBINDSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDSettings Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/settings.
- ServicesBINDSyncRemoteHostEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDSyncRemoteHost Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/sync/remote_host.
- ServicesBINDSyncRemoteHostsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many BINDSyncRemoteHost Model objects at /api/v2/services/bind/sync/remote_hosts.
- ServicesBINDSyncSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDSyncSettings Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/sync/settings.
- ServicesBINDViewEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDView Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/view.
- ServicesBINDViewsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a multiple BINDView Model objects at /api/v2/services/bind/views.
- ServicesBINDZoneEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDZone Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/zone.
- ServicesBINDZoneRecordEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular BINDZoneRecord Model object at /api/v2/services/bind/zone/record.
- ServicesBINDZonesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a multiple BINDZone Model objects at /api/v2/services/bind/zones.
- ServicesCronJobEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CronJob Model object at /api/v2/services/cron/job.
- ServicesCronJobsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple CronJob Model objects at /api/v2/services/cron/jobs.
- ServicesDHCPServerAddressPoolEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DHCPServerAddressPool Model object at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/address_pool.
- ServicesDHCPServerApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular DHCPServerApply Model objects at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/apply.
- ServicesDHCPServerBackendEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DHCPServerBackend Model object at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/backend.
- ServicesDHCPServerCustomOptionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DHCPServerCustomOption Model object at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/custom_option.
- ServicesDHCPServerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DHCPServerBackend Model object at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/backend.
- ServicesDHCPServersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple DHCPServer Model objects at /api/v2/services/dhcp_servers.
- ServicesDHCPServerStaticMappingEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DHCPServerStaticMapping Model object at /api/v2/services/dhcp_server/static_mapping.
- ServicesDNSForwarderApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DNSForwarderApply Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_forwarder/apply.
- ServicesDNSForwarderHostOverrideAliasEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSForwarderHostOverrideAlias Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_forwarder/host_override/alias.
- ServicesDNSForwarderHostOverrideEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSForwarderHostOverride Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_forwarder/host_override.
- ServicesDNSForwarderHostOverridesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many DNSForwarderHostOverride Model objects at /api/v2/services/dns_forwarder/host_override.
- ServicesDNSResolverAccessListEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSResolverAccessList Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/access_list.
- ServicesDNSResolverAccessListNetworkEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSResolverAccessListNetwork Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/access_list/network.
- ServicesDNSResolverAccessListsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple DNSResolverAccessList Model objects at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/access_lists.
- ServicesDNSResolverApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DNSResolverApply Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/apply.
- ServicesDNSResolverDomainOverrideEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSResolverHostOverride Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/domain_override.
- ServicesDNSResolverDomainOverridesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many DNSResolverHostOverride Model objects at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/domain_overrides.
- ServicesDNSResolverHostOverrideAliasEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSResolverHostOverrideAlias Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/host_override/alias.
- ServicesDNSResolverHostOverrideEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular DNSResolverHostOverride Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/host_override.
- ServicesDNSResolverHostOverridesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many DNSResolverHostOverride Model objects at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/host_override.
- ServicesDNSResolverSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DNSResolverSettings Model object at /api/v2/services/dns_resolver/settings.
- ServicesHAProxyApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the HAProxyApply Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/apply.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendACLEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyBackendACL Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backend/acl.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendActionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyBackendAction Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backend/action.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyBackend Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backend.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendErrorFileEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyBackendErrorFile Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backend/error_file.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple HAProxyBackend Model objects at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backends.
- ServicesHAProxyBackendServerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyBackendServer Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/backend/server.
- ServicesHAProxyFileEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyFile Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/file.
- ServicesHAProxyFiles
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple HAProxyFile Model objects at /api/v2/services/haproxy/file.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendACLEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyFrontendACL Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontend/acl.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendActionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyFrontendAction Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontend/action.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendAddressEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyFrontendAction Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontend/action.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple HAProxyFrontend Model objects at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontend.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendErrorFileEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyFrontendErrorFile Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontend/error_file.
- ServicesHAProxyFrontendsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple HAProxyFrontend Model objects at /api/v2/services/haproxy/frontends.
- ServicesHAProxySettingsDNSResolverEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyDNSResolver Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/settings/dns_resolver.
- ServicesHAProxySettingsEmailMailerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular HAProxyEmailMailer Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/settings/email_mailer.
- ServicesHAProxySettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the HAProxySettings Model object at /api/v2/services/haproxy/settings.
- ServicesNTPSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the NTPSettings Model object at /api/v2/services/ntp/settings.
- ServicesNTPTimeServerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular NTPTimeServer Model object at /api/v2/services/ntp/time_server.
- ServicesNTPTimeServersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple NTPTimeServer Model objects at /api/v2/services/ntp/time_servers.
- ServicesServiceWatchdogEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular ServiceWatchdog Model objects at /api/v2/services/service_watchdog.
- ServicesServiceWatchdogsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple ServiceWatchdog Model objects at /api/v2/services/service_watchdogs.
- ServicesSSHEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SSH Model object at /api/v2/services/ssh.
- ServicesWakeOnLANSendEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the WakeOnLANSend Model object at /api/v2/services/wake_on_lan/send.
- StatusCARPEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the CARP Model object at /api/v2/status/carp.
- StatusDHCPServerLeasesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the DHCPServerLease Model objects at /api/v2/status/dhcp_server/leases.
- StatusGatewaysEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the RoutingGatewayStatus Model object at /api/v2/status/gateways.
- StatusInterfacesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the InterfaceStats Model objects at /api/v2/status/interfaces.
- StatusIPsecChildSAEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPseChildcSAStatus Model object at /api/v2/status/ipsec/child_sa.
- StatusIPsecSAEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPsecSAStatus Model object at /api/v2/status/ipsec/sa.
- StatusIPsecSAsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple IPsecSAStatus Model objects at /api/v2/status/ipsec/sas.
- StatusLogsDHCPEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many DHCP Models at /api/v2/status/logs/dhcp.
- StatusLogsFirewallEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many FirewallLog Models at /api/v2/status/logs/firewall.
- StatusLogsSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular LogSettings Model object at /api/v2/status/logs/settings.
- StatusLogsSystemEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many SystemLog Models at /api/v2/status/logs/system.
- StatusOpenVPNClientsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple OpenVPNClientStatus Model objects at /api/v2/status/openvpn/clients.
- StatusOpenVPNServerConnectionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single OpenVPNServerConnectionStatus Model objects at /api/v2/status/openvpn/server/connection.
- StatusOpenVPNServerRouteEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single OpenVPNServerRouteStatus Model objects at /api/v2/status/openvpn/server/route.
- StatusOpenVPNServersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple OpenVPNServerStatus Model objects at /api/v2/status/openvpn/servers.
- StatusServiceEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a Service Model object at /api/v2/status/service.
- StatusServicesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple Service Model objects at /api/v2/status/services.
- StatusSystemEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SystemStatus Model object at /api/v2/status/system.
- SystemCertificateAuthoritiesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple CertificateAuthority Model objects at /api/v2/system/certificate_authorities.
- SystemCertificateAuthorityEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateAuthority Model object at /api/v2/system/certificate_authority.
- SystemCertificateAuthorityGenerateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateAuthority CertificateAuthorityGenerate object at /api/v2/system/certificate_authority/generate.
- SystemCertificateAuthorityRenewEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateAuthorityRenew object at /api/v2/system/certificate_authority/renew.
- SystemCertificateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single Certificate Model object at /api/v2/system/certificate.
- SystemCertificateGenerateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateGenerate object at /api/v2/system/certificate/generate.
- SystemCertificatePKCS12ExportEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificatePKCS12Export object at /api/v2/system/certificate/pkcs12/export.
- SystemCertificateRenewEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateRenew object at /api/v2/system/certificate/renew.
- SystemCertificatesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many Certificate Model objects at /api/v2/system/certificates.
- SystemCertificateSigningRequestEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateSigningRequest object at /api/v2/system/certificate/signing_request.
- SystemCertificateSigningRequestSignEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a singular CertificateSigningRequestSign object at /api/v2/system/certificate/signing_request/sign.
- SystemConsoleEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SystemConsole Model object at /api/v2/system/console.
- SystemCRLEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single CertificateRevocationList Model object at /api/v2/system/crl.
- SystemCRLRevokedCertificateEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single CertificateRevocationListRevokedCertificate Model object at /api/v2/system/crl/revoked_certificate.
- SystemCRLsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many CertificateRevocationList Model objects at /api/v2/system/crls.
- SystemDNSEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SystemDNS Model object at /api/v2/system/dns.
- SystemHostnameEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SystemHostname Model object at /api/v2/system/hostname.
- SystemNotificationsEmailSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the EmailNotificationSettings Model at /api/v2/system/notifications/email_settings.
- SystemPackageAvailableEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many AvailablePackage Model objects at /api/v2/system/package/available.
- SystemPackageEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single Package Model object at /api/v2/system/package.
- SystemPackagesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many Package Model objects at /api/v2/system/packages.
- SystemRESTAPIAccessListEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many RESTAPIAccessListEntry objects at /api/v2/system/restapi/access_list.
- SystemRESTAPIAccessListEntryEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single RESTAPIAccessListEntry object at /api/v2/system/restapi/access_list/entry.
- SystemRESTAPISettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the RESTAPISettings Model object at /api/v2/system/restapi/settings.
- SystemRESTAPISettingsSyncEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the RESTAPISettingsSync Model object at /api/v2/system/restapi/settings/sync.
- SystemRESTAPIVersionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the RESTAPIVersion Model object at /api/v2/system/restapi/version.
- SystemTunableEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single SystemTunable Model objects at /api/v2/system/tunable.
- SystemTunablesEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many SystemTunable Model objects at /api/v2/system/tunables.
- SystemVersionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the SystemVersion Model object at /api/v2/system/version.
- SystemWebGUISettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the WebGUISettings Model object at /api/v2/system/webgui/settings.
- UserAuthServerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single AuthServer Model object at /api/v2/user/auth_server.
- UserAuthServersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many AuthServer Model objects at /api/v2/user/auth_servers.
- UserEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single User Model object at /api/v2/user.
- UserGroupEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single UserGroup Model object at /api/v2/user/group.
- UserGroupsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many UserGroup Model objects at /api/v2/user/groups.
- UsersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many User Model objects at /api/v2/users.
- VPNIPsecApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with singular IPsecApply Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/apply.
- VPNIPsecPhase1EncryptionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPsecPhase1Encryption Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase1/encryption.
- VPNIPsecPhase1Endpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPsecPhase1 Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase1.
- VPNIPsecPhase1sEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many IPsecPhase1 Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase1s.
- VPNIPsecPhase2EncryptionEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPsecPhase2Encryption Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase2/encryption.
- VPNIPsecPhase2Endpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single IPsecPhase2 Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase2.
- VPNIPsecPhase2sEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many IPsecPhase2 Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/ipsec/phase2s.
- VPNOpenVPNClientEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single OpenVPNClient Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/client.
- VPNOpenVPNClientsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OpenVPNClient Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/clients.
- VPNOpenVPNCSOEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single OpenVPNClientSpecificOverride Model object at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/cso.
- VPNOpenVPNCSOsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OpenVPNClientSpecificOverride Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/csos.
- VPNOpenVPNServerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single OpenVPNServer Model object at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/server.
- VPNOpenVPNServersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many OpenVPNServer Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/openvpn/servers.
- VPNWireGuardApplyEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the WireGuardApply Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/apply.
- VPNWireGuardPeerAllowedIPEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single WireGuardPeerAllowedIP Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/peer/allowed_ip.
- VPNWireGuardPeerEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single WireGuardPeer Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/peer.
- VPNWireGuardPeersEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many WireGuardPeer Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/peers.
- VPNWireGuardSettingsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with the WireGuardSettings Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/settings.
- VPNWireGuardTunnelAddressEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single WireGuardTunnelAddress Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/tunnel/address.
- VPNWireGuardTunnelEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with a single WireGuardTunnelAddress Model object at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/tunnel.
- VPNWireGuardTunnelsEndpoint
- Defines an Endpoint for interacting with many WireGuardTunnel Model objects at /api/v2/vpn/wireguard/tunnels.