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restapi_plugin_nginx()  : string
The pfSense-pkg-RESTAPI's 'plugin_nginx' package hook. This function is automatically called by the pfSense package system to add custom NGINX configurations. For this packacge, this function ensures an nginx server block is defined for API endpoints to allow the utiliziation of additional HTTP methods like PUT, PATCH and DELETE and URLs without a trailing slash.



The pfSense-pkg-RESTAPI's 'plugin_nginx' package hook. This function is automatically called by the pfSense package system to add custom NGINX configurations. For this packacge, this function ensures an nginx server block is defined for API endpoints to allow the utiliziation of additional HTTP methods like PUT, PATCH and DELETE and URLs without a trailing slash.

restapi_plugin_nginx(mixed $pluginparams) : string
$pluginparams : mixed

Plugin parameters passed in by the pfSense package system.

Return values

The custom nginx block to be added to the webConfigurator's nginx.conf file

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