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Defines the API response object. Response objects are throwable objects that contain response information such as HTTP status code, HTTP status message, API return code, error messages, and API response data. All API Error classes will originate as Response objects.


HTTP_STATUS_MESSAGES  = [100 => 'continue', 101 => 'switching protocols', 102 => 'processing', 103 => 'checkpoint', 200 => 'ok', 201 => 'created', 202 => 'accepted', 203 => 'non-authoritative information', 204 => 'no content', 205 => 'reset content', 206 => 'partial content', 207 => 'multi-status', 300 => 'multiple choices', 301 => 'moved permanently', 302 => 'found', 303 => 'see other', 304 => 'not modified', 305 => 'use proxy', 306 => 'switch proxy', 307 => 'temporary redirect', 400 => 'bad request', 401 => 'unauthorized', 402 => 'payment required', 403 => 'forbidden', 404 => 'not found', 405 => 'method not allowed', 406 => 'not acceptable', 407 => 'proxy authentication required', 408 => 'request timeout', 409 => 'conflict', 410 => 'gone', 411 => 'length required', 412 => 'precondition failed', 413 => 'request entity too large', 414 => 'request-uri too long', 415 => 'unsupported media type', 416 => 'requested range not satisfiable', 417 => 'expectation failed', 418 => "i'm a teapot", 422 => 'unprocessable entity', 423 => 'locked', 424 => 'failed dependency', 425 => 'unordered collection', 426 => 'upgrade required', 449 => 'retry with', 450 => 'blocked by windows parental controls', 500 => 'internal server error', 501 => 'not implemented', 502 => 'bad gateway', 503 => 'service unavailable', 504 => 'gateway timeout', 505 => 'http version not supported', 506 => 'variant also negotiates', 507 => 'insufficient storage', 509 => 'bandwidth limit exceeded', 510 => 'not extended']



public mixed HTTP_STATUS_MESSAGES = [100 => 'continue', 101 => 'switching protocols', 102 => 'processing', 103 => 'checkpoint', 200 => 'ok', 201 => 'created', 202 => 'accepted', 203 => 'non-authoritative information', 204 => 'no content', 205 => 'reset content', 206 => 'partial content', 207 => 'multi-status', 300 => 'multiple choices', 301 => 'moved permanently', 302 => 'found', 303 => 'see other', 304 => 'not modified', 305 => 'use proxy', 306 => 'switch proxy', 307 => 'temporary redirect', 400 => 'bad request', 401 => 'unauthorized', 402 => 'payment required', 403 => 'forbidden', 404 => 'not found', 405 => 'method not allowed', 406 => 'not acceptable', 407 => 'proxy authentication required', 408 => 'request timeout', 409 => 'conflict', 410 => 'gone', 411 => 'length required', 412 => 'precondition failed', 413 => 'request entity too large', 414 => 'request-uri too long', 415 => 'unsupported media type', 416 => 'requested range not satisfiable', 417 => 'expectation failed', 418 => "i'm a teapot", 422 => 'unprocessable entity', 423 => 'locked', 424 => 'failed dependency', 425 => 'unordered collection', 426 => 'upgrade required', 449 => 'retry with', 450 => 'blocked by windows parental controls', 500 => 'internal server error', 501 => 'not implemented', 502 => 'bad gateway', 503 => 'service unavailable', 504 => 'gateway timeout', 505 => 'http version not supported', 506 => 'variant also negotiates', 507 => 'insufficient storage', 509 => 'bandwidth limit exceeded', 510 => 'not extended']

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