
RESTAPIAccessListEntry extends Model
in package

Defines a model that interacts with the REST API access list entries.

Table of Contents


WRITE_LOCK_FILE  = '/tmp/.RESTAPI.write_config.lock'


$always_apply  : bool
$async  : bool
$cache  : Cache|null
$cache_class  : string
$client  : Auth
$config_path  : string|null
$descr  : StringField
$id  : mixed
$id_type  : string
$initial_object  : Model|null
$internal_callable  : string
$many  : bool
$many_maximum  : int
$many_minimum  : int
$network  : StringField
$package_includes  : array<string|int, mixed>
$packages  : array<string|int, mixed>
$parent_id  : mixed
$parent_id_type  : string
$parent_model  : Model|null
$parent_model_class  : string
$placement  : int|null
$protected_model_query  : array<string|int, mixed>
$related_objects  : ModelSet
$sched  : ForeignModelField
$skip_init  : bool
$sort_by  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$sort_flags  : int
$sort_order  : int
$subsystem  : string
$type  : StringField
$unique_together_fields  : array<string|int, mixed>
$update_strategy  : string
$users  : ForeignModelField
$verbose_name  : string
$verbose_name_plural  : string
$weight  : IntegerField


__construct()  : mixed
Values to assign when a Model object is first constructed.
__sleep()  : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>
Magic method to serialize only the necessary properties of this Model object.
apply()  : mixed
Initializes the default 'apply' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is responsible for reloading/restarting services after changes occur.
check_many_maximum()  : void
Checks if the creation of a new object would put the number of objects for this Model over the $many_maximum value.
check_many_minimum()  : void
Checks if the deletion of this object would put the number of objects for this Model below the $many_minimum value.
copy()  : Model
Creates an unlinked copy of this Model object.
create()  : Model
Perform validation, create this object internally and restart any associated services.
del_config()  : mixed
Delete a key from the configuration
delete()  : Model
Perform validation, delete this object internally and restart any associated services.
delete_all()  : ModelSet|Model
Deletes all Model objects for this Model. This method is only available for $many Models without a $parent_model_class.
delete_many()  : ModelSet
Uses a query to delete many Model objects at once. This method is only available for $many Models.
does_apply_immediately()  : bool|null
Determines if this Model applies changes immediately or if they must applied manually after changes are made.
from_internal()  : mixed
Obtain this Model object from the internal pfSense configuration by object ID. If the specified ID exists in config, this Model object will be overwritten with the contents of that object.
from_internal_object()  : void
Converts an internal object to this Model object's representation. This method is used to convert the internal object obtained from the pfSense configuration to the representation values used by this Model object.
from_representation()  : mixed
Loads the Model object using an array representation of the object.
get_all_model_classes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains an array of all Model classes.
get_class_fqn()  : string
Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.
get_class_shortname()  : string
Obtains the shortname of the called class.
get_classes_in_namespace()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.
get_config()  : mixed
Read the value of specific configuration section by path.
get_config_path()  : string|null
Retrieves the full config path including any assigned parent Model paths.
get_fields()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Populates an array of field names for this model.
get_internal_objects()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains all internal objects for this Model. When a `config_path` is specified, this method will obtain the internal objects directly from config. When an `internal_callable` is assigned, this method will return the output of the assigned callable.
get_model_references()  : ModelSet
Obtains external Models that reference this Model. This method checks Field objects assigned to this Model object for the `referenced_by` property. Any Model objects found that reference this Model object will be returned in a ModelSet object.
get_next_id()  : string|int
Default method for obtaining the next ID from the pfSense configuration. This searches for the next index ID for the model in the pfSense configuration and requires the model's `config_path` and `many` properties to be set.
get_parent_model()  : Model|null
Obtains the parent of this Model object if a parent Model is assigned.
get_related_endpoint()  : Endpoint|null
Obtains the Endpoint this Model class is assigned to.
get_related_link()  : ResourceLink
Obtains a HAL resource link to a specific Model object.
get_related_links()  : ResourceLinkSet
Obtains REST API links to resources related to this Model object.
get_schedule_choices()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of schedule names to be used as choices for the schedule field
get_user_choices()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of user names to be used as choices for the users field
is_allowed_by_acl()  : bool
Checks if a given IP address and username are allowed by any active access list entry.
is_config_enabled()  : bool
Checks if a specific config value is set. Toggle values are often set when enabled, or missing when they are not. This check is better suited for pfSense configurations than isset().
is_ip_match()  : bool
Checks if a given IP address is within the network range of this access list entry.
is_parent_model_many()  : bool|null
Checks if the parent Model class assigned to this Model class is a $many enabled Model.
is_schedule_active()  : bool
Checks if the assigned schedule is active at the current time.
is_user_match()  : bool
Checks if a given user is in the list of users for this access list entry.
log_error()  : void
Logs an error to the syslog.
merge_config()  : mixed
Merges changed Model field values into the config. This is similar to `set_config()` but instead of replacing the entire config path with a set value, it only sets Field's known to this Model. Any Fields in the stored object that are not defined in a Field assigned to this Model will be left unchanged.
paginate()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Paginates a given array but obtaining a smaller subset of the array based on the provided limit and offset values.
query()  : ModelSet
Performs a query on all Model objects for this Model. This is essentially a shorthand way of calling `query()`. This method is only applicable to `many` Models.
read()  : Model
Initializes the default 'read' method. By default, this method loads the Model object from its internal object using the current $this->id value and returns the ($this) Model object. Running this method will overwrite $this object.
read_all()  : ModelSet|Model
Fetches Model objects for all objects stored in the internal pfSense values. If `config_path` is set, this will load Model objects for each object stored at the config path. If `internal_callable` is set, this will create Model objects for each object returned by the specified callable.
reload_config()  : void
Reloads the configuration to include any changes that may have occurred since the last config reload
replace_all()  : ModelSet
Perform validation and replace all existing objects for this Model with a specified set of Model representations.
set_config()  : mixed
Set a value by path in the config.
to_internal()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Converts this Model object into it's internal pfSense configuration form.
to_openapi_schema()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Converts this Model object to a PHP array representation of its OpenAPI schema. This is used when auto-generating API documentation. This method can be extended to add additional options to the OpenAPI schema when necessary
to_representation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Creates a serializable array representation of this object. This array is suitable for content serialization such as JSON, YAML, etc.
update()  : Model
Perform validation, update this object internally and restart any associated services.
validate()  : bool
Performs a full validation on the API model. This includes checking that required packages are installed and validating all assigned Fields. Note: Fields are validated in the order they are defined in the class.
validate_extra()  : void
Allows child classes to define extra validation for their Models. This can be used to build complex validations that check conditions between multiple Model fields.
write_config()  : void
Write configuration changes to the config file
_create()  : mixed
Initializes the default '_create' method. For Models with a `config_path` and `many` set, this method will automatically obtain the next model ID for the object and write this object to the pfSense config. Other Models will require this method to be overridden to support creations for this object.
_delete()  : mixed
Initializes the default '_delete' method. For Models with a `config_path` and `many`, this method will automatically remove the existing object from configuration. Other Models must override this method with context-specific deletions.
_update()  : mixed
Initializes the default '_update' method. For Models with a `config_path`, this method will automatically write changes to the existing object in configuration. Other Models must override this method with context specific updates.
apply_create()  : mixed
Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `create()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps applying for just create actions. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.
apply_delete()  : mixed
Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `delete()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after delete actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.
apply_replace_all()  : mixed
Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `replace_all()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after replace all actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.
apply_update()  : mixed
Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `update()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after update actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.
init_config()  : mixed
Initialize the configuration array of a specific config path
pre_apply()  : mixed
Initializes the default 'pre_apply' method. This method is intended to be overidden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested.
pre_apply_create()  : mixed
Initializes the default 'pre_apply_create' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for create actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.
pre_apply_delete()  : mixed
Initializes the default 'pre_apply_delete' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for delete actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.
pre_apply_update()  : mixed
Initializes the default 'pre_apply_update' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for update actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.
set_placement()  : void
For $many enabled models, this method will place this object in a specific location in the list of stored objects. This is primarily used to
sort()  : void
Sorts `many` Model entries internally before writing the changes to config. This is useful for Model's whose internal objects must be written in a specific order.
append_array_changes()  : void
Appends changes between the current object and the initial object for `many` enabled fields. This allows for changes to array field values to be appended to the existing array during updates instead of replaced.
check_packages()  : mixed
Checks if the required pfSense packages for this model are installed.
check_unique_together()  : void
Checks that any Fields which must be unique together are unique from all other existing objects for this Model.
construct_from_internal()  : void
Attempts to construct this Model object by fetching an existing object from config/internally.
generate_verbose_name()  : string
Auto-generates a verbose name for this Model class using its class name.
generate_verbose_name_plural()  : string
Auto-generates the plural version of this Model's $verbose_name for $many enabled Models
get_cache()  : Cache|null
Obtains the Cache object of the class assigned in the $cache_class property.
get_default_client()  : Auth
Obtains a default $client Auth object for this Model object to use.
is_field_hidden()  : bool
Determines if a given Model field should be hidden in responses.
is_fields_internal_name_unique()  : void
Checks to ensure each of this Model's Field object has an internal name that is unique to it's namespace.
remove_array_changes()  : void
Removes changes between the current object and the initial object for `many` enabled fields. This allows for changes to array field values to be removed from the existing array during updates instead of being replaced.
set_construct_options()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Checks for options passed in during object construction and maps known options to Model properties. Any options that are not known options to the core Model will be returned so they can be merged into the Model data during construction.
setup_fields()  : void
Provides this Model's Field object properties relevant information like its field name and provides this Model object as this Field's $context Model object.



public mixed WRITE_LOCK_FILE = '/tmp/.RESTAPI.write_config.lock'




public bool $always_apply = false

Force this Model to always run the apply() method after create(), update(), delete(), and replace_all().


public bool $async

If set to true, this Model will attempt to apply objects in the background. If set to false, this Model will wait for the apply*() methods to complete before providing a response. In many cases, the apply*() methods can take significant time to complete and, in extreme cases, can cause timeouts. Using $async enables these processes to run in the background, allowing the client to proceed without waiting. Polling Models should be made available for Models relying on $async, enabling clients to check the status of the process. Note: Not all Model classes will support or respect this value. Only Models utilizing Dispatcher objects support $async.


public Cache|null $cache = null

The Cache object of the class specified in the $cache_class property. This is only applicable if a $cache_class was assigned.


public string $cache_class = ''

The class name of a Cache object this Model utilizes. This is only relevant to Model who pull data from a local cache file using a Cache object and typically is only used for Models with an internal_callable assigned. The value assigned here must be an existing class shortname in the \RESTAPI\Caches\ namespace.


public Auth $client

The Auth object containing the username, IP address, and other authentication details of the individual interacting with this Model. If no value is assigned, a default Auth object will be defined. Note: Some Models require information from the $client; therefore, this value must always be assigned.


public string|null $config_path = null

The configuration path where this Model's object(s) are internally stored. This property is mandatory unless an $internal_callable is explicitly defined. If a $parent_model_class is assigned, this path will be relative to the parent Model's $config_path. Otherwise, this is an absolute config path.


public mixed $id = null

The ID of the current Model object. This applies exclusively to Models with $many enabled. New Model objects will not possess an ID until the create() method is executed.


public string $id_type = 'integer'

The data type of the ID field for this Model. In most cases, this should be set to 'integer'. In some cases, the ID field may be a 'string'. This field should be set accordingly to ensure documentation and validation processes are accurate. This applies exclusively to Models with $many enabled.


public Model|null $initial_object = null

Contains the current Model object as stored in config/internally. This can be used to reference values that may have changed during creation, modification, or deletion.


public string $internal_callable = ''

For Models that do not interact with stored pfSense configuration values, specify the name of a callable method here to pull the internal values for this Model. This property cannot be used if a $config_path is already specified. This must be set to an existing method name assigned to this Model class.


public bool $many = false

If set to true, this Model will facilitate the creation of multiple objects of its kind and enable IDs for this field. If set to false, this Model will exclusively support a single object and abstain from utilizing IDs.


public int $many_maximum = 65535

Specifies the maximum number of associated Models that can be present at any time. If a new creation is requested, and it would result in the number of associated objects growing beyond this value, the creation will be denied. This condition is applicable only when the $many property is set to true.


public int $many_minimum = 0

Specifies the minimum number of associated Models that must be present at all times. If a deletion is requested, and it would result in the number of associated objects falling below this value, the deletion will be denied. This condition is applicable only when the $many property is set to true.


public array<string|int, mixed> $package_includes = []

Assigns PHP files to include that are specific to one or more of the assigned $packages. These files will be imported during Model validation to prevent an error from being thrown if the Model is referenced on a system without these packages installed.


public array<string|int, mixed> $packages = []

Specifies any add-on packages required for this Model to operate. This must be an array of package full-names (i.e., pfSense-pkg-sudo) or left empty to not require any add-on packages.


public mixed $parent_id = null

For Models acting as children to a different Model class, this property will contain the ID of the parent model object. If a $parent_model_class is defined, this value MUST be specified during object construction.


public string $parent_id_type = 'integer'

The data type of the parent ID field for this Model. In most cases, this should be set to 'integer'. In some cases, the parent ID field may be a 'string'. This field should be set accordingly to ensure documentation and validation processes are accurate. This applies exclusively to Models with a $parent_model_class assigned.


public Model|null $parent_model = null

The parent Model object of this Model. This property is relevant only if a $parent_model_class is assigned. This property is automatically set using the $parent_model_class and $parent_id properties accordingly. If no parent Model class is found, or the parent object does not exist, this value will be null.


public string $parent_model_class = ''

The class name of the parent Model class. This is necessary only if this Model is nested under another Model.


public int|null $placement = null

Set the config index where this object should be written to. This allows objects to be moved or placed into any arbitrary index in the config. This property is only applicable if the $config_path and $many properties are set.


public array<string|int, mixed> $protected_model_query = []

Defines query parameters for existing objects of this Model that should never be replaced or deleted. This can be used to protect built-in objects that should not be deleted. This property only applies to $many enabled Models.

public ModelSet $related_objects

A ModelSet containing foreign Model objects related to this Model. These are primarily populated by ForeignModelFields assigned to this Model object. If no related Models are found, this ModelSet will not contain any Model objects. This property is primarily used by Endpoint classes to determine the correct HATEOAS link to include in REST API responses.


public bool $skip_init = false

If set to true, this Model object will not be loaded from its internal representation during construction. This is useful when you need to create a Model object to be used as a reference without trigger logic that would normally occur by loading the object from its internal representation. This must be set as a parameter during object construction to have an effect.


public array<string|int, mixed>|null $sort_by = null

Sets the field names this Model will use when sorting objects written to the pfSense configuration. These fields must be set to an existing property name from this Model, and that property must be assigned a Field class. Leave empty to disable sorting for this Model. In most cases, sorting should not be used.


public int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR

For $many enabled Models, this property can be used to set the PHP sort flags used when writing Model objects to config. This property is only applicable if the $sort_by_field property is also defined. This property only applies to Models with a $config_path defined. For valid value options for this property, refer to:


public int $sort_order = SORT_ASC

For $many enabled Models, this property can be used to set the PHP sort option used when writing Model objects to config. This property is only applicable if the $sort_by_field property is also defined. This property only applies to Models with a $config_path defined. For valid value options for this property, refer to:


public string $subsystem = ''

The pfSense subsystem this Model relates to. This is typically only relevant for Models that allow the internal config to be written but applied at a later time. The subsystem specified here will automatically be marked as 'dirty' (i.e., has unapplied changes) whenever this Model writes to the config. It will automatically have the subsystem 'dirty' status cleared after the apply() method(s) are called. The name of the pfSense subsystem depends on the pfSense configuration item this Model relates. Refer to the pfSense source files to determine what (if any) subsystem should be set. Typically, it will appear as a parameter value in the mark_subsystem_dirty() or clear_subsystem_dirty() pfSense functions.


public array<string|int, mixed> $unique_together_fields = []

An array specifying field names that must be unique together. This is similar to the Field object's $unique property but requires the combination of each of these field's values to be unique from any other Model object of its kind. Each value specified here must be an existing property for this Model and must be assigned a Field class.


public string $update_strategy = 'merge'

Define how this Model should update existing values in configuration. Set to merge to only update the values that were actually changed in config, or set to replace to replace the entire Model object in config during updates. In general, replace works well for $many enabled Models, and merge works well for non $many enabled Models or for Models that share a $config_path with other Models.


public string $verbose_name = ''

Sets the human-readable name for this Model. This value is primarily used where this Model is referenced in Forms and the API documentation. By default, this property will attempt to be determined using the Model class name by separating capitalized words in the class name with a space. In some cases, this may not be accurately determined and can be manually set using this property if needed.


public string $verbose_name_plural = ''

Manually specifies the plural representation of $verbose_name. By default, this property will be set to $verbose_name with s appended to the end, unless $verbose_name already ends in an s, in which es will be appended to the end instead. In some cases, this may not be accurate; this property can be manually set using this property if needed.



Values to assign when a Model object is first constructed.

public __construct([mixed $id = null ][, mixed $parent_id = null ][, mixed $data = [] ], mixed ...$options) : mixed
$id : mixed = null

If specified, the internal object with this ID will be obtained as the Model object.

$parent_id : mixed = null

The ID of the parent object this object is nested under. This is only applicable to Models with a parent_model_class assigned that is also a many Model.

$data : mixed = []

Allows objects to be obtained, created and/or updated using an array of field-value pairs. If this array contains an id field, the internal object with this ID will be obtained as the Model object first. Any additional Fields will be used to set the Model object's values.

$options : mixed

Additional arguments to provide to this Model. Any additional arguments provided will merged into the Model's $data parameter. This can be used to set Model field values using parameters instead of an array format via $data. Note: In the event that a field value is set in $data and $args, the value found in $args will be used.


Magic method to serialize only the necessary properties of this Model object.

public __sleep() : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>


Initializes the default 'apply' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is responsible for reloading/restarting services after changes occur.

public apply() : mixed


Checks if the creation of a new object would put the number of objects for this Model over the $many_maximum value.

public check_many_maximum() : void

When a new creation is not allowed because it will put the number of objects over the $many_maximum value.


Checks if the deletion of this object would put the number of objects for this Model below the $many_minimum value.

public check_many_minimum() : void

When a new deletion is not allowed because it will put the number of objects below the $many_minimum value.


Creates an unlinked copy of this Model object.

public copy() : Model
Return values

The cloned Model object.


Perform validation, create this object internally and restart any associated services.

public final create([bool $apply = false ]) : Model
$apply : bool = false

Set to true if you would like to immediately apply the changes after they are made.

Return values

Returns the created Model object (this object).


Delete a key from the configuration

public static del_config(mixed $path) : mixed
$path : mixed

string path with '/' separators


array copy of the removed value or null


Perform validation, delete this object internally and restart any associated services.

public final delete([bool $apply = false ]) : Model
$apply : bool = false

Set to true if you would like to immediately apply the changes after they are made.


When this Model object is referenced by another existing Model object.

Return values

Returns the deleted Model object (this object).


Deletes all Model objects for this Model. This method is only available for $many Models without a $parent_model_class.

public static delete_all() : ModelSet|Model
Return values


Uses a query to delete many Model objects at once. This method is only available for $many Models.

public static delete_many([array<string|int, mixed> $query_params = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $excluded = [] ][, mixed|null $parent_id = null ][, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ], mixed ...$vl_query_params) : ModelSet
$query_params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of query parameters.

$excluded : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of field names to exclude from the query. This is helpful when query data may have extra values that you do not want to include in the query.

$parent_id : mixed|null = null

Specifies the ID of the parent Model to read all objects from. This is required for $many Models with a $parent_model_class. This value has no affect otherwise.

$limit : int = 0

The maximum number of Model objects to retrieve. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$offset : int = 0

The starting point in the dataset to be used with $limit. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$vl_query_params : mixed

Qyery parameters that are passed in using variable-length arguments

Return values

The queried ModelSet containing only Model objects that matched the query.


Determines if this Model applies changes immediately or if they must applied manually after changes are made.

public does_apply_immediately() : bool|null

This is intended to be used to more accurately determine the 'Applies immediately' value in the API documentation to prevent misleading information.

Return values

Returns true if this Model applies changes immediately, false if changes must be applied manually, or null if this does not apply to this Model.


Obtain this Model object from the internal pfSense configuration by object ID. If the specified ID exists in config, this Model object will be overwritten with the contents of that object.

public from_internal() : mixed

When this Model does not have a config_path set.


When an object with the specified $id does not exist.


Converts an internal object to this Model object's representation. This method is used to convert the internal object obtained from the pfSense configuration to the representation values used by this Model object.

public from_internal_object(mixed $internal_object) : void
$internal_object : mixed

The internal object obtained from the pfSense configuration. This should be an associative array, in the event that it's not (uninitialized configuration), it will become an empty array.


Loads the Model object using an array representation of the object.

public final from_representation([array<string|int, mixed> $data = [] ], mixed ...$options) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = []

The array of key-value pairs to use when loading the Model object from representation.

$options : mixed

Additional arguments to provide to this Model. Any additional arguments provided will merged into the Model's $data parameter. This can be used to set Model field values using parameters instead of an array format via $data. Note: In the event that a field value is set in $data and $args, the value found in $args will be used.


Obtains an array of all Model classes.

public static get_all_model_classes([mixed $shortnames = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$shortnames : mixed = false

bool Set to true to obtain the shortnames of all Model classes.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of all Model classes.


Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.

public get_class_fqn() : string
Return values

The FQN for this object's class.


Obtains the shortname of the called class.

public get_class_shortname() : string
Return values

The shortname for this object's class.


Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.

public get_classes_in_namespace([bool $shortnames = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$shortnames : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of classes currently in this object's namespace


Read the value of specific configuration section by path.

public static get_config(mixed $path[, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed
$path : mixed

string config path with '/' as separators

$default : mixed = null

mixed value to return if the path is not found


mixed value at path or $default if the path does not exist or if the path keys an empty string and $default is non-null


Retrieves the full config path including any assigned parent Model paths.

public get_config_path() : string|null
Return values


Populates an array of field names for this model.

public final get_fields([bool $required_only = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$required_only : bool = false

Only obtain required Fields

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of field names for this model.


Obtains all internal objects for this Model. When a `config_path` is specified, this method will obtain the internal objects directly from config. When an `internal_callable` is assigned, this method will return the output of the assigned callable.

public get_internal_objects() : array<string|int, mixed>

When neither a config_path nor a internal_callable are assigned to this model, OR both a config_path and a internal_callable are assigned to this model

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The array of internal objects without any additional processing performed.


Obtains external Models that reference this Model. This method checks Field objects assigned to this Model object for the `referenced_by` property. Any Model objects found that reference this Model object will be returned in a ModelSet object.

public get_model_references() : ModelSet
Return values

A ModelSet containing any Model objects that reference this Model object.


Default method for obtaining the next ID from the pfSense configuration. This searches for the next index ID for the model in the pfSense configuration and requires the model's `config_path` and `many` properties to be set.

public get_next_id() : string|int

For Models that do not use a config_path or does not use config index IDs, this method can be overridden by the child model class to add custom processes to obtain the next available ID.


When the path leads to an existing non-empty, non-sequential array value


string|int the next array key (ID) for the config path specified.

Return values


Obtains the parent of this Model object if a parent Model is assigned.

public get_parent_model() : Model|null

If the parent Model object does not exist.

Return values

The parent Model object with the provided parent_id or null if no parent Model is set.

Obtains the Endpoint this Model class is assigned to.

public get_related_endpoint(bool $many) : Endpoint|null
$many : bool

Set to true to obtain the $many enabled Endpoint for this Model, set to false to obtain the Endpoint for this Model that does not have $many enabled.


When no Endpoint could be found for this Model.

Return values

The Endpoint object that has this Model class assigned or null if none was found

Obtains a HAL resource link to a specific Model object.

public static get_related_link(Model $model, string $rel[, string $method = 'GET' ][, bool $use_namespace = true ]) : ResourceLink
$model : Model

The Model object to obtain a link for.

$rel : string

The HAL resource link name to assign this ResourceLink object

$method : string = 'GET'
$use_namespace : bool = true

Set to true to prefix this $rel with this project's HAL prefix value. This should be used for non-standard rel values.

Return values

The ResourceLink object containing the links and attributes of the given $model.

Obtains REST API links to resources related to this Model object.

public get_related_links() : ResourceLinkSet
Return values

A ResourceLinkSet containing REST API links to related Model objects.


Returns a list of schedule names to be used as choices for the schedule field

public static get_schedule_choices() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The list of schedule names.


Returns a list of user names to be used as choices for the users field

public static get_user_choices() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The list of user names.


Checks if a given IP address and username are allowed by any active access list entry.

public static is_allowed_by_acl(string $ip, string $username) : bool
$ip : string

The IP address to check.

$username : string

The username to check.

Return values

true if the IP address and username are allowed by an active ACL entry, false otherwise.


Checks if a specific config value is set. Toggle values are often set when enabled, or missing when they are not. This check is better suited for pfSense configurations than isset().

public static is_config_enabled(mixed $path[, mixed $enable_key = 'enable' ]) : bool
$path : mixed

string path with '/' separators

$enable_key : mixed = 'enable'

string an optional alternative key value for the enable key


bool true if $enable_key exists in the array at $path, and has a non-null value, otherwise false.

Return values


Checks if a given IP address is within the network range of this access list entry.

public is_ip_match(string $ip) : bool
$ip : string

The IP address to check.

Return values

true if the IP address is within the network range, false otherwise.


Checks if the parent Model class assigned to this Model class is a $many enabled Model.

public is_parent_model_many() : bool|null
Return values

Returns true if a $parent_model_class is assigned to this Model and the parent Model has $many enabled, false if a $parent_model_class is assigned to this Model and the parent Model does not have $many enabled, or null if no $parent_model_class is assigned to this Model.


Checks if the assigned schedule is active at the current time.

public is_schedule_active() : bool
Return values

true if the schedule is active, false otherwise.


Checks if a given user is in the list of users for this access list entry.

public is_user_match(string $username) : bool
$username : string

The username to check.

Return values

true if the user is in the list, false otherwise.


Logs an error to the syslog.

public static log_error(string $message) : void
$message : string

The error message to write to the syslog


Merges changed Model field values into the config. This is similar to `set_config()` but instead of replacing the entire config path with a set value, it only sets Field's known to this Model. Any Fields in the stored object that are not defined in a Field assigned to this Model will be left unchanged.

public merge_config(mixed $path) : mixed
$path : mixed

string The Model config path including any Model ID


Paginates a given array but obtaining a smaller subset of the array based on the provided limit and offset values.

public static paginate(array<string|int, mixed> $array, int $limit, int $offset[, bool $preserve_keys = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$array : array<string|int, mixed>

The array to paginate.

$limit : int

The maximum number of items to return in the paginated array. Use 0 to impose no limit.

$offset : int

The starting point in the array to begin the paginated array.

$preserve_keys : bool = false

Set to true to preserve the keys of the array. This is useful when the array is associative and you want to maintain the key-value pairs.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The paginated array containing only the subset of items that match the limit and offset values.


Performs a query on all Model objects for this Model. This is essentially a shorthand way of calling `query()`. This method is only applicable to `many` Models.

public static query([array<string|int, mixed> $query_params = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $excluded = [] ][, mixed|null $parent_id = null ][, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ][, bool $reverse = false ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $sort_by = null ][, int $sort_order = SORT_ASC ][, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ], mixed ...$vl_query_params) : ModelSet
$query_params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of query parameters.

$excluded : array<string|int, mixed> = []

An array of field names to exclude from the query. This is helpful when query data may have extra values that you do not want to include in the query.

$parent_id : mixed|null = null

Specifies the ID of the parent Model to read all objects from. This is required for $many Models with a $parent_model_class. This value has no affect otherwise.

$limit : int = 0

The maximum number of Model objects to retrieve. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$offset : int = 0

The starting point in the dataset to be used with $limit. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$reverse : bool = false

Set to true to reverse the order of the ModelSet. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$sort_by : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
$sort_order : int = SORT_ASC
$sort_flags : int = SORT_REGULAR
$vl_query_params : mixed

Qyery parameters that are passed in using variable-length arguments

Return values

The queried ModelSet containing only Model objects that matched the query.


Initializes the default 'read' method. By default, this method loads the Model object from its internal object using the current $this->id value and returns the ($this) Model object. Running this method will overwrite $this object.

public final read() : Model
Return values

Loads the Model object from its internal value using the current $this->id value and returns that object.


Fetches Model objects for all objects stored in the internal pfSense values. If `config_path` is set, this will load Model objects for each object stored at the config path. If `internal_callable` is set, this will create Model objects for each object returned by the specified callable.

public static read_all([mixed|null $parent_id = null ][, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ][, bool $reverse = false ]) : ModelSet|Model
$parent_id : mixed|null = null

Specifies the ID of the parent Model to read all objects from. This is required for $many Models with a $parent_model_class. This value has no affect otherwise.

$limit : int = 0

The maximum number of Model objects to retrieve. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$offset : int = 0

The starting point in the dataset to be used with $limit. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

$reverse : bool = false

Set to true to reverse the order of the ModelSet. This is only applicable to $many enabled Models.

Return values

Returns a ModelSet of Models if many is enabled or a single Model object if many is not enabled.


Reloads the configuration to include any changes that may have occurred since the last config reload

public static reload_config([bool $force_parse = false ]) : void
$force_parse : bool = false

Force an entire reparse of the config.xml file instead of the cached config.


Perform validation and replace all existing objects for this Model with a specified set of Model representations.

public final replace_all(mixed $data[, bool $apply = false ]) : ModelSet

This method is only available for $many Models.

$data : mixed

An array of many Model representations to set. Any existing Model objects will be replaced with the objects defined in this array.

$apply : bool = false

Apply this change immediately after replacing all Model objects. Note: Models with the $always_apply property set to true will ignore this value.

Return values

A ModelSet containing all the Model objects found in config after replacement.


Set a value by path in the config.

public static set_config(mixed $path, mixed $value[, mixed $default = null ]) : mixed
$path : mixed

string path with '/' separators

$value : mixed

mixed value to set

$default : mixed = null

mixed value to return if the path is not found


mixed $val or $default if the path prefix does not exist


Converts this Model object into it's internal pfSense configuration form.

public to_internal() : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string

The internal value suitable for writing to the pfSense configuration.


Converts this Model object to a PHP array representation of its OpenAPI schema. This is used when auto-generating API documentation. This method can be extended to add additional options to the OpenAPI schema when necessary

public to_openapi_schema() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A PHP array containing this Model as an OpenAPI schema.


Creates a serializable array representation of this object. This array is suitable for content serialization such as JSON, YAML, etc.

public final to_representation() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The serializable array representation of this object.


Perform validation, update this object internally and restart any associated services.

public final update([bool $apply = false ][, bool $append = false ][, bool $remove = false ]) : Model
$apply : bool = false

Set to true if you would like to immediately apply the changes after they are made.

$append : bool = false

Set to true if you would like to append changes to arrays in the existing object instead of replacing the entire array. This only applies to many enabled Fields.

$remove : bool = false

Set to true if you would like to remove values from arrays in the existing object instead of replacing the entire array. This only applies to many enabled Fields.

Return values

Returns the updated Model object (this object).


Performs a full validation on the API model. This includes checking that required packages are installed and validating all assigned Fields. Note: Fields are validated in the order they are defined in the class.

public final validate([bool $requires_id = false ][, bool $create_id = false ][, bool $only_id = false ][, bool $skip_parent = false ][, ModelSet|null $modelset = null ]) : bool
$requires_id : bool = false

Whether the id field should be validated in this request. This is typically only necessary for update and delete actions.

$create_id : bool = false

If true, a new ID will be created for this object if this is a $many Model. This is primarily used for creations.

$only_id : bool = false

Only validate the id field. This is primarily used for deletions.

$skip_parent : bool = false

Skip validating the assigned parent ID. This only applies to Models that have a parent_model_class value assigned. In most cases, this should not be changed from the default. This is only intended for nested Model validation.

$modelset : ModelSet|null = null

Sets a specific ModelSet to use when validations require the use of all existing objects for this Model. The only current use case for this is in \RESTAPI\Fields\NestedModelField where we need to validate many objects before they are created.

Return values

true if the model's data is valid.


Allows child classes to define extra validation for their Models. This can be used to build complex validations that check conditions between multiple Model fields.

public validate_extra() : void


Write configuration changes to the config file

public final write_config(string $change_note[, int $attempts = 60 ]) : void
$change_note : string

The message to write to the change log.

$attempts : int = 60

The number of write attempts to make before giving up in the event that a lock is present.


Initializes the default '_create' method. For Models with a `config_path` and `many` set, this method will automatically obtain the next model ID for the object and write this object to the pfSense config. Other Models will require this method to be overridden to support creations for this object.

protected _create() : mixed

When the Model requesting creation does not have many enable and/or does not have a config_path set. These Models' child class must override this method to add context-specific creations.


Initializes the default '_delete' method. For Models with a `config_path` and `many`, this method will automatically remove the existing object from configuration. Other Models must override this method with context-specific deletions.

protected _delete() : mixed

When the Model requesting delete does not have a config_path or many set. These Models' child class must override this method to add context-specific deletions.


Initializes the default '_update' method. For Models with a `config_path`, this method will automatically write changes to the existing object in configuration. Other Models must override this method with context specific updates.

protected _update() : mixed

When the Model requesting update does not have a config_path set. These Models' child class must override this method to add context-specific updates.


Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `create()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps applying for just create actions. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.

protected apply_create() : mixed


Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `delete()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after delete actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.

protected apply_delete() : mixed


Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `replace_all()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after replace all actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.

protected apply_replace_all(ModelSet $initial_objects, ModelSet $new_objects) : mixed
$initial_objects : ModelSet

A ModelSet containing each existing object for this Model as they were when the replace_all() method was initially called. This is useful when a function or service needs to be restarted for each object before replacing the set.

$new_objects : ModelSet

A ModelSet containing each of the new objects for this Model. Note: at this point, each Model object within this ModelSet has already been written to config. This method is responsible for ensuring it is applied to any backend services.


Performs steps and processes required to apply changes after the `update()` method runs. This can be overridden to add custom steps to apply after update actions only. Defaults to simply calling `apply()`.

protected apply_update() : mixed


Initialize the configuration array of a specific config path

protected static init_config(mixed $path) : mixed
$path : mixed

string config path with '/' as separators


Initializes the default 'pre_apply' method. This method is intended to be overidden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested.

protected pre_apply() : mixed


Initializes the default 'pre_apply_create' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for create actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.

protected pre_apply_create() : mixed


Initializes the default 'pre_apply_delete' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for delete actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.

protected pre_apply_delete() : mixed


Initializes the default 'pre_apply_update' method. This method is intended to be overridden by a child model class and is called immediately before the 'apply' method for update actions only. This method runs regardless of whether an apply was requested. By default, this method simply calls the global 'pre_apply' method.

protected pre_apply_update() : mixed


For $many enabled models, this method will place this object in a specific location in the list of stored objects. This is primarily used to

protected set_placement() : void


Sorts `many` Model entries internally before writing the changes to config. This is useful for Model's whose internal objects must be written in a specific order.

protected sort() : void


Appends changes between the current object and the initial object for `many` enabled fields. This allows for changes to array field values to be appended to the existing array during updates instead of replaced.

private append_array_changes() : void


Checks if the required pfSense packages for this model are installed.

private check_packages() : mixed

When the Model requires a pfSense package that is not installed.


When a package requires a PHP include file that could not be found.


Checks that any Fields which must be unique together are unique from all other existing objects for this Model.

private check_unique_together([ModelSet|null $modelset = null ]) : void
$modelset : ModelSet|null = null

Sets a specific ModelSet to use when validations require the use of all existing objects for this Model. The only current use case for this is in \RESTAPI\Fields\NestedModelField where we need to validate many objects before they are created.


When the Fields specified in unique_together_fields are not Field objects known to this Model.


When the unique together Fields are not unique and are present in another Model object.


Attempts to construct this Model object by fetching an existing object from config/internally.

private construct_from_internal([mixed $id = null ][, mixed $parent_id = null ]) : void
$id : mixed = null

The ID of the internal object to construct this object from

$parent_id : mixed = null


Auto-generates a verbose name for this Model class using its class name.

private generate_verbose_name() : string

string The human-readable name for this Model class.

Return values


Auto-generates the plural version of this Model's $verbose_name for $many enabled Models

private generate_verbose_name_plural() : string

string The human-readable name for this Model class in plural form.

Return values


Obtains the Cache object of the class assigned in the $cache_class property.

private get_cache() : Cache|null

Cache|null Returns a new Cache object of the $cache_class property assigned or null if no $cache_class property was assigned.

Return values


Obtains a default $client Auth object for this Model object to use.

private get_default_client() : Auth

Auth An Auth object that uses the default client username and IP address.

Return values


Determines if a given Model field should be hidden in responses.

private is_field_hidden(string $field) : bool
$field : string

The field name to check for sensitivity.

Return values

Returns true if the field is sensitive, false if it is not.


Checks to ensure each of this Model's Field object has an internal name that is unique to it's namespace.

private is_fields_internal_name_unique(string $field) : void
$field : string

The name of the field to check for a unique internal name


When this Model contains a Field object with an internal name that is not unique to it's namespace.


Removes changes between the current object and the initial object for `many` enabled fields. This allows for changes to array field values to be removed from the existing array during updates instead of being replaced.

private remove_array_changes() : void


Checks for options passed in during object construction and maps known options to Model properties. Any options that are not known options to the core Model will be returned so they can be merged into the Model data during construction.

private set_construct_options(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed>

The $options passed into the Model's __construct() method.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of additional options that do not relate to core Model properties.


Provides this Model's Field object properties relevant information like its field name and provides this Model object as this Field's $context Model object.

private setup_fields() : void

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