
SystemRESTAPIKeysForm extends Form
in package

Defines the Form for viewing and deleting REST API keys in the pfSense webConfigurator at /system_restapi_key.php.

Table of Contents


$buttons  : array<string|int, mixed>
$custom_css  : string
$custom_js  : string
$deletable  : bool
$editable  : bool
$form_data  : array<string|int, mixed>
$id  : mixed
$many  : bool
$many_sub_url  : string
$model_class  : string
$sections  : array<string|int, mixed>|array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$table_fields  : array<string|int, mixed>
$tabs  : array<string|int, mixed>
$title_path  : array<string|int, mixed>
$url  : string
$verbose_name  : string
$model  : Model|mixed


__construct()  : mixed
Construct the Form object
build_form_url()  : bool
Generate an endpoint for this Form in the pfSense webroot.
generate_pfsense_privs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Utilizes the $url properties of this Form to generate pfSense privileges specific to this Form class.
get_class_fqn()  : string
Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.
get_class_shortname()  : string
Obtains the shortname of the called class.
get_classes_in_namespace()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.
get_form()  : Form
Populates the form sections with the desired Fields and returns an array of
get_priv_name()  : string
Obtains the pfSense privilege name for this Form. This privilege name is automatically generated using the $url attribute and formats it to be consistent with the other webConfigurator page privileges.
get_table()  : mixed
Obtains a PHP table that contains all current Model objects for `many` Forms.
log_error()  : void
Logs an error to the syslog.
on_delete()  : void
Tries to delete the Model object when requested.
on_load()  : void
Prints a warning banner when the page loads if this Form is accessed when KeyAuth is not enabled.
on_save()  : void
Performs validation and saves the Model assigned to this ModelForm.
print_form()  : void
Prints this form as a web page. This method is intended to be called by a PHP endpoint somewhere in the pfSense web root.
print_info_banner()  : void
Prints an info/warning banner at the top of the form page.
print_input_error_banner()  : void
Prints the input error banner at the top of the form page.
print_success_banner()  : void
Prints the green success banner at the top of the form page.
form_data_to_model_representation()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Converts POST form data submitted by the pfSense webConfigurator to a valid representation of a provided Model object return array The POST form data in an acceptable representation for the provided Model object.
generate_verbose_name()  : string
Auto-generates a verbose name for this Form class using its class name.



public array<string|int, mixed> $buttons = []

Defines additional buttons to add to the form page. This must be an array of arrays where the key is the ID name to give the button, and the value is an array of button attributes. Valid button attributes are: 'title' the verbose name to display on the button itself. 'icon' the pfSense CSS icon class for this button (i.e. fa-repeat, fa-question-circle, etc.) 'classes' an array of additional CSS classes to assign the button. 'on_click' the JS to trigger when the button is clicked. 'callable' the Form method to call when the button is click. This must be the method name as a string. 'link' the URL to link to when the button is clicked.


public string $custom_css = ''

The URL to a custom CSS file for this Form page to use.


public string $custom_js = ''

The URL to a custom JS file for this Form page to use.


public bool $deletable = true


public bool $editable = false

When true, the edit button will be displayed on the table for each Model object. This is only applicable when $many is true. If false, Model objects cannot be edited via this form.


public array<string|int, mixed> $form_data = []

The POSTed data from the client using the Form.


public mixed $id = null

The ID of the Model object this Form is currently interacting with. This is generally only applicable when $many is set to false.


public bool $many = true

Indicate whether this Form should interact with many Model object at once. When true, the Form display models as a table and can be configured using the $title_path, $editable, and $deletable properties. When false, the Form will only display one model at a time. This field is only appliacble if the $model_class is a many enabled Model.


public string $many_sub_url = '/system_restapi_key_edit.php'

The URL that the edit button should link to when clicked. This URL should not contain Model specific values like IDs. In most cases, this will link the $url of another non-many Form object. This property is only applicable when $many is enabled for this Form.


public string $model_class = 'RESTAPIKey'

The shortname of the Model class this Form interacts with.


public array<string|int, mixed>|array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>> $sections = ['General' => ['fields' => [], 'classes' => []]]

Defines subsections for this Form and assigns specific Model fields to display in each section. This value must be an array where the array keys are the name of the Form section, and the value is an array of attributes. Valid section attributes are: 'fields' an array of Model field names to include in the section. 'classes' an array of CSS class names to assign the section.


public array<string|int, mixed> $table_fields = ['username', 'hash_algo', 'length_bytes', 'descr']

Sets the fields that will generate columns for the Form table. This is only applicable when $many is true.


public array<string|int, mixed> $tabs = [['Settings', false, '/system_restapi_settings.php'], ['Keys', true, '/system_restapi_key.php'], ['Access List', false, '/system_restapi_acl.php'], ['Updates', false, '/system_restapi_updates.php'], ['Documentation', false, '/api/v2/documentation']]

An array of additional tabs that should be display for this form. These tabs are quick links to other pages or Form objects that are directly related to this Form's Model. These value must be an array of arrays, each listed array must have three items in this order: 1. The name to show on the tab. 2. A boolean indicating whether we are currently on this tab. 3. The URL of the page to link to when the tab is selected.


public array<string|int, mixed> $title_path = ['System', 'REST API', 'Keys']

The path to display at the top of the webConfigurator page. This path typically indicates which pages were navigated to in order to reach this Form page with the last item representing the page we are currently on. (i.e. ["System", "REST API", "Settings"])


public string $verbose_name = ''

Defines a verbose name for this Form page. If none is specified, a default verbose name will be generated using this Form class's shortname.


protected Model|mixed $model

The Model object this Form is interacting with.



Construct the Form object

public __construct() : mixed


Generate an endpoint for this Form in the pfSense webroot.

public build_form_url() : bool

bool Returns true if the form was successfully built, otherwise false.

Return values


Utilizes the $url properties of this Form to generate pfSense privileges specific to this Form class.

public generate_pfsense_privs() : array<string|int, mixed>

The resulting array is then supplied to the pfSense privilege system located at /etc/inc/priv/.


array The pfSense priv list entry array corresponding to the privileges of this Endpoint.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.

public get_class_fqn() : string
Return values

The FQN for this object's class.


Obtains the shortname of the called class.

public get_class_shortname() : string
Return values

The shortname for this object's class.


Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.

public get_classes_in_namespace([bool $shortnames = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$shortnames : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of classes currently in this object's namespace


Populates the form sections with the desired Fields and returns an array of

public final get_form() : Form
Return values

The pfSense webConfigurator \Form object.


Obtains the pfSense privilege name for this Form. This privilege name is automatically generated using the $url attribute and formats it to be consistent with the other webConfigurator page privileges.

public get_priv_name() : string

string The pfSense privilege name for this Form (i.e. page-test-form)

Return values


Obtains a PHP table that contains all current Model objects for `many` Forms.

public get_table() : mixed


Logs an error to the syslog.

public static log_error(string $message) : void
$message : string

The error message to write to the syslog


Tries to delete the Model object when requested.

public on_delete(int|string $id) : void
$id : int|string

The ID of the Model object to delete.


Prints a warning banner when the page loads if this Form is accessed when KeyAuth is not enabled.

public on_load() : void


Performs validation and saves the Model assigned to this ModelForm.

public on_save([string $success_banner_msg = '' ]) : void
$success_banner_msg : string = ''

The message to append to the success banner when the Model is saved.


Prints this form as a web page. This method is intended to be called by a PHP endpoint somewhere in the pfSense web root.

public final print_form() : void


Prints an info/warning banner at the top of the form page.

public print_info_banner([string $message = '' ][, string $class = 'alert-warning' ]) : void
$message : string = ''

The message to display on the banner.

$class : string = 'alert-warning'

The CSS class to use for the banner.


Prints the input error banner at the top of the form page.

public print_input_error_banner([string $message = '' ]) : void
$message : string = ''

Adds an extra message to the banner.


Prints the green success banner at the top of the form page.

public print_success_banner([string $message = '' ]) : void
$message : string = ''

Adds an extra message to the banner.


Converts POST form data submitted by the pfSense webConfigurator to a valid representation of a provided Model object return array The POST form data in an acceptable representation for the provided Model object.

protected form_data_to_model_representation(array<string|int, mixed> $form_data, Model $model) : array<string|int, mixed>
$form_data : array<string|int, mixed>

The incoming $_POST or $_GET form data from the pfSense webConfigurator.

$model : Model

The Model object to represent.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The representation of the Model object from the form data.


Auto-generates a verbose name for this Form class using its class name.

private generate_verbose_name() : string

string The human-readable name for this Form class.

Return values

On this page

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