
InterfaceBridgesEndpoint extends Endpoint
in package

Defines an Endpoint for interacting with multiple InterfaceBridge Model objects at /api/v2/interface/bridges.

Table of Contents


$append  : bool
$async  : bool
$auth_methods  : array<string|int, mixed>
$decode_content_handlers  : array<string|int, mixed>
$delete_help_text  : string
$delete_privileges  : array<string|int, mixed>
$deprecated  : bool
$encode_content_handlers  : array<string|int, mixed>
$get_help_text  : string
$get_privileges  : array<string|int, mixed>
$ignore_acl  : bool
$ignore_enabled  : bool
$ignore_interfaces  : bool
$ignore_read_only  : bool
$limit  : int
$many  : bool
$model  : Model
$model_name  : string
$offset  : int
$patch_help_text  : string
$patch_privileges  : array<string|int, mixed>
$post_help_text  : string
$post_privileges  : array<string|int, mixed>
$put_help_text  : string
$put_privileges  : array<string|int, mixed>
$remove  : bool
$request_data  : array<string|int, mixed>
$request_method  : string
$request_method_options  : array<string|int, mixed>
$requires_auth  : bool
$resource_link_set  : ResourceLinkSet|null
$response_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
$restapi_settings  : RESTAPISettings
$reverse  : bool
$sort_by  : string|array<string|int, mixed>|null
$sort_flags  : string|null
$sort_order  : string
$tag  : string
$url  : string
$client  : Auth
$errors  : array<string|int, mixed>


__construct()  : mixed
Sets values whenever the Endpoint object is crated.
build_endpoint_url()  : bool
Generate an endpoint for this view in the pfSense webroot.
check_construct()  : void
Checks for conflicting attributes during object construction.
check_decode_content_handler_supported()  : void
Checks if the requested decode ContentHandler is supported.
check_encode_content_handler_supported()  : void
Checks if the requested encode ContentHandler is supported.
generate_pfsense_privs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Utilizes the $url and $request_method_options properties of this Endpoint to generate pfSense privileges specific to this Endpoint class. The resulting array is then supplied to the pfSense privilege system located at /etc/inc/priv/.
get_class_fqn()  : string
Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.
get_class_shortname()  : string
Obtains the shortname of the called class.
get_classes_in_namespace()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.
get_endpoint_filepath()  : string
Obtains the absolute filepath to the PHP file generated for this Endpoint.
get_pagination_resource_links()  : void
Obtains the `prev` and `next` HATEOAS resource links for pagination use. These links supply the previous and next set of objects from the dataset.
log_error()  : void
Logs an error to the syslog.
process_request()  : string
Processes the API request and returns the serialized API response to send back to the client.
response_handler()  : Response
Defines a middleware method that can be used to handle the call's Response object before it is sent back to the client. This can be used by child Endpoints to extend or override the default Response handling behavior.
delete()  : Model|ModelSet
Deletes an existing object for the assigned Model using the data submitted in a DELETE request.
get()  : Model|ModelSet
Obtains the object data for GET requests to this Endpoint.
options()  : void
Populates associated headers whenever an OPTIONS request is received.
patch()  : Model|ModelSet
Updates an existing object for the assigned Model using the data submitted in a PATCH request.
post()  : Model|ModelSet
Creates a new object for the assigned Model using the data submitted in a POST request.
put()  : Model|ModelSet
Replaces all existing objects for the assigned Model using the data submitted in a PUT request.
check_acl()  : void
Checks if the client is allowed to access this Endpoint according to the REST API Access List.
check_auth()  : void
Checks if authentication and authorization for this Endpoint is successful. This will attempt authentication and authorization for each allowed auth method. Only one auth method needs to succeed to allow access.
check_enabled()  : void
Checks if the API is enabled before allowing the call.
check_interface_allowed()  : void
Checks if the interface receiving the API call is allowed to answer API calls.
check_request_data()  : void
Checks if the API client's request data was successfully received and parsed by the API. This method populates the $this->request_data property according to the client's requested content-type.
check_request_method()  : void
Check if the HTTP method requested by the API client is supported by this view.
get_default_privs()  : void
Assigns the default privileges required to make API calls to this endpoint. This method will automatically populate the following properties:
get_method_priv_name()  : string
Generates the privilege name necessary to execute a specific request method on this Endpoint.
get_required_privs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves the necessary privileges for processing the received API call.
set_default_help_text()  : void
Determines the appropriate default help text for each method according to the assigned Model and Endpoint properties.
set_default_tag()  : void
Use the endpoint's URL to determine a default OpenAPI tag for this endpoint.
validate_append()  : void
Validates the $append common control parameter for this request.
validate_async()  : void
Validates the $async common control parameter for this request.
validate_endpoint_fields()  : void
Performs validation on non-Model fields. These fields control how Models are initially obtained/constructed.
validate_limit()  : void
Validates the $limit common control parameter for this request.
validate_offset()  : void
Validates the $offset common control parameter for this request.
validate_remove()  : void
Validates the $remove common control parameter for this request.
validate_reverse()  : void
Validates the $reverse common control parameter for this request.
validate_sort_by()  : void
Validates the $sort_by common control parameter for this request.
validate_sort_flags()  : void
Validates the $sort_flags common control parameter for this request.
validate_sort_order()  : void
Validates the $sort_order common control parameter for this request.



public bool $append = false

Sets the default value for the append field in the request data. This value is used to control how Model objects apply updates to array fields on existing objects. If set to true, any requested updates to array fields will be appended to the existing array instead of replacing it. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data.


public bool $async = true

Sets the default value for the async field in the request data. This value is used to determine if the API call should be processed asynchronously when available. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data.


public array<string|int, mixed> $auth_methods = []

Explicitly specify authentication methods this Endpoint uses. Leave blank to use the authentication methods allowed by the REST API settings. If any authentication methods are specified here, this Endpoint will always allow authentication using this method, even if the method is not enabled in the REST API settings.


public array<string|int, mixed> $decode_content_handlers = []

Defines which ContentHandler class (as shortnames) can be used to decode the API request. If this array is empty, all ContentHandlers with decode capabilities can be used. This directly relates to which MIME-types this endpoint supports in the Content-Type header.


public string $delete_help_text = ''

Sets the DELETE request's OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This will be used when generating the OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This is typically only necessary if the default description is not adequate.


public array<string|int, mixed> $delete_privileges = []

Assigns pfSense privileges that should allow DELETE requests to this Endpoint. This property is dynamically populated.


public bool $deprecated = false

Marks this Endpoint as deprecated in the OpenAPI documentation.


public array<string|int, mixed> $encode_content_handlers = []

Defines which ContentHandler class (as shortnames) can be used to encode the API response. If this array is empty, all ContentHandlers with encode capabilities can be used. This directly relates to which MIME-types this endpoint supports in the Accept header.


public string $get_help_text = ''

Sets the GET request's OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This will be used when generating the OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This is typically only necessary if the default description is not adequate.


public array<string|int, mixed> $get_privileges = []

Assigns pfSense privileges that should allow GET requests to this Endpoint. This property is dynamically populated.


public bool $ignore_acl = false

Allow this Endpoint to ignore the REST API Access List. By default, Endpoints will not accept API calls from clients that are not allowed by the REST API Access List. Setting this value to true will allow this Endpoint to respond to API calls from any client regardless of the REST API Access List.


public bool $ignore_enabled = false

Allow this Endpoint to ignore the enabled API setting. By default, Endpoints will not accept API calls when the API's enabled setting is disabled. Setting this value to true will allow this Endpoint to respond to API calls even if the API is disabled.


public bool $ignore_interfaces = false

Allow this Endpoint to ignore the allowed_interfaces API setting. By default, if an Endpoint receives an API call on an interface not specified in the allowed_interfaces API setting, a ForbiddenError will be thrown. Setting this value to true will allow this Endpoint to respond to requests over any interface regardless of what is specified in allowed_interfaces.


public bool $ignore_read_only = false

Allow this Endpoint to ignore the current read_only API setting. By default, when the read_only API setting is enabled, Endpoints are only allowed to respond to GET requests. Setting this value to true will allow requests using any HTTP method even if read_only is enabled.


public int $limit = 0

Sets the default limit for the number of Model objects to retrieve in a single call to this Endpoint. This value is used for pagination purposes and can be overridden by the client in the request data.


public bool $many = false

Indicates whether this Endpoint interacts with a single Model object (false) or many Model objects (true).


public Model $model

The actual Model object created for the assigned $model_name.


public string $model_name = ''

The name of the Model class this Endpoint interacts with (excluding the Model class's namespace).


public int $offset = 0

Sets the default offset for the starting point in the dataset requested for pagination. This value is used for pagination purposes and can be overridden by the client in the request data.


public string $patch_help_text = ''

Sets the PATCH request's OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This will be used when generating the OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This is typically only necessary if the default description is not adequate.


public array<string|int, mixed> $patch_privileges = []

Assigns pfSense privileges that should allow PATCH requests to this Endpoint. This property is dynamically populated.


public string $post_help_text = ''

Sets the POST request's OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This will be used when generating the OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This is typically only necessary if the default description is not adequate.


public array<string|int, mixed> $post_privileges = []

Assigns pfSense privileges that should allow POST requests to this Endpoint. This property is dynamically populated.


public string $put_help_text = ''

Sets the PUT request's OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This will be used when generating the OpenAPI documentation for this Endpoint. This is typically only necessary if the default description is not adequate.


public array<string|int, mixed> $put_privileges = []

Assigns pfSense privileges that should allow PUT requests to this Endpoint. This property is dynamically populated.


public bool $remove = false

Sets the default value for the remove field in the request data. This value is used to control how Model objects apply updates to array fields on existing objects. If set to true, any requested updates to array fields will remove the specified values from the existing array. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data.


public array<string|int, mixed> $request_data = []

The request body or parameters sent by the remote client.


public string $request_method

The HTTP request method sent by the remote client.


public array<string|int, mixed> $request_method_options = []

Sets the allowed HTTP request methods for this Endpoint. For $many=true, only GET, PUT and DELETE methods can be specified here. GET will use the Model's read_all() method, PUT will use the Model's replace_all() method and DELETE will use the Model's delete_many() method. For Endpoints with $many=false, GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE methods can be specified here. GET will use the Model's read() method, POST will use the Model's create() method. PATCH will use the Model's update() method, and DELETE will use the Model's delete() method.


public bool $requires_auth = true
public ResourceLinkSet|null $resource_link_set = null

A ResourceLinkSet containing ResourceLinks that should always be included in the root _links for this response.


public array<string|int, mixed> $response_types = []

An array of Response classes that can be returned by this Endpoint. This array should contain the class names of the Response objects that can be returned by this Endpoint.


public bool $reverse = false

Sets the default value for the reverse field in the request data. This value is used to control the order of the Model objects returned by this Endpoint. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data. If set to true, the Model objects in the data section of the response will be reversed.


public string|array<string|int, mixed>|null $sort_by = null

Sets the default value(s) for the sort_by field in the request data. This value is used to control the sorting of the Model objects returned by this Endpoint. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data. Use caution when assigning this value as it may force objects to be sorted in this order when they are written to the configuration file.


public string|null $sort_flags = null

Sets the default value for the sort_flags field in the request data. This value is used to control the sorting flags of the Model objects returned by this Endpoint. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data. This value only takes effect when the sort_by field is also set. This value must be the name of a valid PHP sort flags constant (e.g. 'SORT_REGULAR', 'SORT_NATURAL')


public string $sort_order = 'SORT_ASC'

Sets the default value for the sort_order field in the request data. This value is used to control the sorting order of the Model objects returned by this Endpoint. This value can be overridden by the client in the request data. This value only takes effect when the sort_by field is also set. This value must be the name of a valid PHP sort order constant ('SORT_ASC' or 'SORT_DESC').


public string $tag = ''

The OpenAPI tag applied to this Endpoint, nesting it under a specific name in the OpenAPI documentation. Defaults to the first value in the $url after /api/v2/.


public string $url = ''

The URL of this endpoint, used to generate a PHP file in the web path pointing back to this Endpoint class.


protected Auth $client

The \RESTAPI\Core\Auth object created by this Endpoint during API calls, contains client authentication information.


protected array<string|int, mixed> $errors = []

An array to store errors encountered during API calls to this Endpoint.



Generate an endpoint for this view in the pfSense webroot.

public build_endpoint_url() : bool

bool Returns true if the endpoint was successfully built, returns false otherwise.

Return values


Checks for conflicting attributes during object construction.

public check_construct() : void


Checks if the requested decode ContentHandler is supported.

public check_decode_content_handler_supported(ContentHandler $content_handler) : void
$content_handler : ContentHandler

When the requested ContentHandler is not supported.


Checks if the requested encode ContentHandler is supported.

public check_encode_content_handler_supported(ContentHandler $content_handler) : void
$content_handler : ContentHandler

When the requested ContentHandler is not supported.


Utilizes the $url and $request_method_options properties of this Endpoint to generate pfSense privileges specific to this Endpoint class. The resulting array is then supplied to the pfSense privilege system located at /etc/inc/priv/.

public generate_pfsense_privs() : array<string|int, mixed>

array The pfSense priv list entry array corresponding to the privileges of this Endpoint.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.

public get_class_fqn() : string
Return values

The FQN for this object's class.


Obtains the shortname of the called class.

public get_class_shortname() : string
Return values

The shortname for this object's class.


Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.

public get_classes_in_namespace([bool $shortnames = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$shortnames : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of classes currently in this object's namespace


Obtains the absolute filepath to the PHP file generated for this Endpoint.

public get_endpoint_filepath() : string
Return values

The absolute filepath to this Endpoint's PHP file within the pfSense webroot.

Obtains the `prev` and `next` HATEOAS resource links for pagination use. These links supply the previous and next set of objects from the dataset.

public get_pagination_resource_links(int $limit, int $offset) : void
$limit : int

The maximum number of Model objects to retrieve. This will be used to determine the prev and next link values.

$offset : int

The starting point in the dataset requested for pagination. This will be used to determine the prev and next link values.


Logs an error to the syslog.

public static log_error(string $message) : void
$message : string

The error message to write to the syslog


Processes the API request and returns the serialized API response to send back to the client.

public process_request() : string
Return values

The serialized API response to send back to the client.


Defines a middleware method that can be used to handle the call's Response object before it is sent back to the client. This can be used by child Endpoints to extend or override the default Response handling behavior.

public response_handler(Response $response) : Response
$response : Response

The Response object handle before it is sent back to the client by process_request()


Response The Response object to send back to the client.

Return values


Deletes an existing object for the assigned Model using the data submitted in a DELETE request.

protected delete() : Model|ModelSet
Return values


Populates associated headers whenever an OPTIONS request is received.

protected final options() : void


Checks if the client is allowed to access this Endpoint according to the REST API Access List.

private check_acl() : void

When the client is not allowed to access this Endpoint.


Checks if authentication and authorization for this Endpoint is successful. This will attempt authentication and authorization for each allowed auth method. Only one auth method needs to succeed to allow access.

private check_auth() : void


Checks if the API is enabled before allowing the call.

private check_enabled() : void


Checks if the interface receiving the API call is allowed to answer API calls.

private check_interface_allowed() : void


Checks if the API client's request data was successfully received and parsed by the API. This method populates the $this->request_data property according to the client's requested content-type.

private check_request_data() : void


Check if the HTTP method requested by the API client is supported by this view.

private check_request_method() : void


Assigns the default privileges required to make API calls to this endpoint. This method will automatically populate the following properties:

private get_default_privs() : void
  • $this->get_privileges
  • $this->post_privileges
  • $this->patch_privileges
  • $this->put_privileges
  • $this->delete_privileges


Generates the privilege name necessary to execute a specific request method on this Endpoint.

private get_method_priv_name(string $method) : string
$method : string

The HTTP method for which the resulting privilege name is intended.


string The complete pfSense privilege name needed to authorize API requests to this endpoint using the specified $method.

Return values


Retrieves the necessary privileges for processing the received API call.

private get_required_privs() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of required privileges for the current API call.


Determines the appropriate default help text for each method according to the assigned Model and Endpoint properties.

private set_default_help_text() : void


Use the endpoint's URL to determine a default OpenAPI tag for this endpoint.

private set_default_tag() : void


Validates the $append common control parameter for this request.

private validate_append() : void

If the append field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $append property value.


When the append field is not a boolean.


Validates the $async common control parameter for this request.

private validate_async() : void

If the async field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $async property value.


When the async field is not a boolean.


Performs validation on non-Model fields. These fields control how Models are initially obtained/constructed.

private validate_endpoint_fields() : void

When one or more Endpoint releated fields fail validation.


Validates the $limit common control parameter for this request.

private validate_limit() : void

If the limit field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $limit property value.


When the limit field is not an integer.


Validates the $offset common control parameter for this request.

private validate_offset() : void

If the offset field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $offset property value.


When the offset field is not an integer.


Validates the $remove common control parameter for this request.

private validate_remove() : void

If the remove field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $remove property value.


When the remove field is not a boolean.


Validates the $reverse common control parameter for this request.

private validate_reverse() : void

If the reverse field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $reverse property value.


When the reverse field is not a boolean.


Validates the $sort_by common control parameter for this request.

private validate_sort_by() : void

If the sort_by field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $sort_by property value.


When the sort_by field is not a string or is not a valid field in the Model.


Validates the $sort_flags common control parameter for this request.

private validate_sort_flags() : void

If the sort_flags field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $sort_flags property value.


When the sort_flags field is not a string or is not a valid sort flags constant.


Validates the $sort_order common control parameter for this request.

private validate_sort_order() : void

If the sort_order field was not provided in the request data, the request will default to the Endpoint's assigned $sort_order property value.


When the sort_order field is not a string or is not a valid sort order constant.

On this page

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