
in package
uses BaseTraits

Defines an object that executes shell commands and keeps track of the output and result codes.

Table of Contents


$command  : string
$output  : string
$redirect  : string
$result_code  : int
$trim_whitespace  : bool


__construct()  : Command
Defines the Command object including the shell command to execute and optional modifiers. Note: By default, the command output will redirect stderr to stdout so error message will be included in the output.
get_class_fqn()  : string
Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.
get_class_shortname()  : string
Obtains the shortname of the called class.
get_classes_in_namespace()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.
log_error()  : void
Logs an error to the syslog.
run_command()  : void
Executes the assigned $command. The $output and $result_code properties will be set after running this method.



public string $command

The shell command this object should execute.


public string $output = ''

The output of the executed shell command.


public string $redirect

An optional shell redirect to append to the end of the $command.


public int $result_code = -1

The exit/return code of the executed shell command.


public bool $trim_whitespace = false

Automatically remove excessive whitespace from the command $output.



Defines the Command object including the shell command to execute and optional modifiers. Note: By default, the command output will redirect stderr to stdout so error message will be included in the output.

public __construct(string $command[, bool $trim_whitespace = false ][, string $redirect = '2>&1' ]) : Command
$command : string

The shell command to execute.

$trim_whitespace : bool = false

Remove excessive whitespace from the command output.

$redirect : string = '2>&1'

An optional shell redirect to append to the end of the $command.

Return values

Returns this object containing the results of the executed command. Note: the object returned cannot be used to initiate new commands. A new Command object should be created for any additional commands.


Obtains the fully qualified name of the called class.

public get_class_fqn() : string
Return values

The FQN for this object's class.


Obtains the shortname of the called class.

public get_class_shortname() : string
Return values

The shortname for this object's class.


Obtains all classes associated with this class's current namespace.

public get_classes_in_namespace([bool $shortnames = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$shortnames : bool = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

An array of classes currently in this object's namespace


Logs an error to the syslog.

public static log_error(string $message) : void
$message : string

The error message to write to the syslog


Executes the assigned $command. The $output and $result_code properties will be set after running this method.

private run_command() : void

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