Working with HATEOAS

HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State) is a constraint of the REST application architecture that allows clients to navigate the API by following links provided by the server. The pfSense REST API package supports HATEOAS driven development by providing links to related resources in the response data. This allows clients to easily navigate the API and discover available actions and resources related to the current API response.



Enabling HATEOAS can greatly increase the size of API responses as additional links are included in the response data; which may also impact performance on large datasets. It is strongly recommended to only enable HATEOAS when needed and to use pagination to limit the amount of data returned in a single request.

Below are the different link types that can be returned by the API. These will be found nested under _links in the API response.


These _links can be found both in the root of the API response and nested under specific objects under the data section. When nested under an object in the data section, the links will be specific to that object.


Provides a link to the next set of data when pagination is used.


Provides a link to the previous set of data when pagination is used.


Provides a link to read an object's own self.


Provides a link that can be used to update the current object.


Provides a link that can be used to delete the current object.


Provides links to the object(s) that are related to the current value(s) of a specific field in the API response.

For example, a static route object could contain a link to the assigned parent gateway's object using the gateway field. This link could be used to make a subsequent API call to obtain the exact parent gateway for the static route.