Content and Accept Types

The REST API has been designed to allow multiple content and accept types to be supported, providing flexibility in the data being sent and received. This document outlines the content and accept types currently supported by the REST API.

Content Types

Content types are used to specify the format of the data being sent in your request. You must specify the content type in the Content-Type header of your request. The REST API supports the following content types:


  • MIME Type: application/json
  • Description: Use this content type to send JSON data in the body of your request. The data should be formatted as a JSON object or array.
  • Example: {"key": "value"}


  • MIME Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Description: Use this content type to send form data in the URL query string or body of the request. The data is sent as key-value pairs separated by an ampersand &.
  • Examples:
    • URL query string:
    • Request body: key=value&key2=value2


In the case that both the URL query string and request body contain form data, the data in the URL query string will take precedence.


The application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type can only infer the type of the data submitted, and therefor may not be fully suitable for requests other than GET and DELETE requests. It is recommended to use application/json for requests that require full control over the data type being sent.

Accept Types

Accept types are used to specify the format of the data you would like to receive in the response. You can specify the accept type in the Accept header of your request, or the response will default to application/json. The REST API supports the following accept types:


  • MIME Type: application/json
  • Description: Use this accept type to receive JSON data in the response. The data will be formatted as a JSON object or array.
  • Example: {"key": "value"}